"A hot winded pacifist" -Victoria Schell Wolf

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Dr. Cosby for President?

Being one of many unemployed Americans, I am not overly concerned for what happens abroad. Yes, it's very nice that Mr. Obama. was given a prize. But considering the state of our nation I would much prefer, as an American Citizen, to have Mr. Obama concentrate his efforts through his charisma and charm, and influence as President of the United States on domestic issues. I am all warm and fuzzy knowing that he is trying to get the Palestinians a chunk of land they can call home but my home is in jeopardy of being lost due to the financial crisis this country currently faces. I have no faith in his staff to resolve any of this country's ills but possibly with Mr. Obama at their side, full time, maybe we can improve our situation. Until then, maybe he should seek employment at the UN and leave the duties of President to someone that really wants the job as opposed to running around the world playing referee. I admit Bill Cosby isn't the man for the job but I'd much prefer a platform that he suggests, considering it deals with internal issues, as a replacement of what is helping to waste this country away. Am I shallow minded? You bet...Rent is due in less than two weeks. I am concerned about the world but it starts in my home first.
- hoop
Dr. Bill Cosby's Political Platform:

(1). Any use of the phrase: 'Press 1 for English' is immediately banned. English is the official language; speak it or wait outside of our borders until you can.
(2). We will immediately go into a two year isolationist attitude in order to straighten out the greedy big business posture in this country. America will allow NO imports, and we'll do no exports. We will use the 'Wal-Mart 's policy, 'If we ain't got it, you don't need it.' We'll make it here and sell it here!
(3).. When imports are allowed, there will be a 100% import tax on it coming in here.
(4). All retired military personnel will be required to man one of the many observation towers located on the southern border of the United States (six month tour). They will be under strict orders not to fire on SOUTHBOUND aliens.
(5). Social Security will immediately return to its original state. If you didn't put nuttin in, you ain't gettin nuttin out. Neither the President nor any other politician will be able to touch it.
(6). Welfare. -- Checks will be handed out on Fridays, at the end of the 40 hour school week, the successful completion of a urinalysis test for drugs, and passing grades.
(7). Professional Athletes -- Steroids? The FIRST time you check positive you're banned from sports ... for life.
(8). Crime - We will adopt the Turkish method, i.e., the first time you steal, you lose your right hand. There is no more 'life sentences'. If convicted of murder, you will be put to death by the same method you chose for the victim you killed: gun, knife, strangulation, etc.
(9).. One export of ours will be allowed: wheat; because the world needs to eat. However, a bushel of wheat will be the exact price of a barrel of oil.
(10). All foreign aid, using American taxpayer money, will immediately cease and the saved money will help to pay off the national debt and, ultimately, lower taxes. When disasters occur around the world, we'll ask The American People if they want to donate to a disaster fund, and each citizen can make the decision as to whether, or not, it's a worthy cause.
(11). The Pledge of Allegiance will be said every day at school and every day in Congress.
(12). The National Anthem will be played at all appropriate ceremonies, sporting events, outings, etc. My apology is offered if I've stepped on anyone's toes ..... nevertheless...... GOD BLESS AMERICA.

Sincerely, Bill Cosby

Your letter bothers me intensely because your situation is becoming less and less unique. I can tell most times when you're joking and when you're not. I don't believe you are in a kidding mood right now.

I want to comment on your letter and the bare-bones politics of Dr. Cosby. He raises twelve issues in a manifesto that could serve as the playbook for a winning Nationalist party takeover of America's current, inept domestic failures. Every item on his list was aimed at the same part of my mind that I employed to run my ten year old life, a time before the discovery and adoption of an increasingly complex set of ethics which enhanced the following decades. I know very well what it means to be out of work. I have never watched a business, built with my own hands, die, like you had to. I did however spend the better part of two years illustrating pubs and restaurants, losing larger sums of money as my experience "grew". I have no greater knowledge of life's cheap shots than you. I simply write about these logistics to help keep my mind from being swallowed by the helplessness each one of us feels in the face of so many troubles, so many interrelated problems and so far outside our ability to affect any meaningful change. Without some way to file it all I would be crushed.

We have two choices you and I, tame it or ignore it. Ignore it and every piece of shit consequence from bank failures to foreclosures to healthcare to credit-gouging to "peace-keeping" missions overseas to illegal lobbyists working to pollute your drinking water for some corporate executive's Cayman Island bank account to charges of indecent exposure for walking through your kitchen in the nude . . . . .

. .ignore the news and your problems don't disappear. You simply exchange them for a set of different problems. Take the fly in your kitchen. His presence is the product of one set of conditions and the catalyst for another set of conditions. Ignoring the fly allows the breeding ground to remain undisturbed and productive. Merely brushing him out of your face allows him to spread disease. Bill Cosby seems to offer a solution that was tried in a depressed German nation back in the late twenties and thirties. Unless we keep our heads focused on the mechanics of those conditions which foster the breeding of flies, stirring speeches will simply rally the nation to act without concern for the profile or motives of the author. History has exposed many of these windbags to be sculpted from the same pile of shit the flies called home.

The absurd distraction of International involvement (item [2] from Dr. Cosby's memo) would appear on the surface to be an unbearable stress on our government's slush fund. However the idea of closing our eyes and borders to the world will only replace the flies with other pests and diseases born from the same overlooked contributing habits we fail to modify. It is the responsibility of intelligent men and women to stare trouble in the eye, even when it becomes painful and speak to the mesmerized population from whatever soapbox we can find, to offer the neighborhood at least one decent option.

It is ironic to me, for example, how the crushing strain of illegal immigrants, particularly from our southern border, became a popular point of interest about the same time domestic attention to the rapidly growing gap between the rich and the poor began to appear in its contemporary, demonic proportions, sometime around the mid to late eighties, and to many a tycoon's unease, in the news.

The "mexicans", (note the lower case "m") who sought entry into the United States were met by Visa's and waiting lists. Legal entry took an average of five years. A bloke from England, France or our "good neighbor" to the north, Canada is welcomed without a Visa and is invited to stay here until the green card is issued. (Unless of course you were John Lennon and driven crazy by a very disturbed President.) With the insubstantial economic gains produced by NAFTA's trickle down promise, what desperate human being, even from Mexico, would sit on his hands and waste five or more years in the prime of his life? So now these brown skinned illegal's have become the donkeys on whose back we pile concocted charges. Their "strain" on healthcare deserves a second look. Their strain on jobs deserves a second look. Their illegal presence deserves action. But the tension, hatred and violence I witness in my own community here on Long Island is the result of some message, some "score", written and published by that same piece of shit which brought us the flies. Order? absolutely. We are a nation of laws. Illegal guests should be offered manageble guidelines to citizenship on a par with our pink skinned guests from the north. Failure to conform to the conditions of citizenship will be an irrefutable cause for deportation. Beatings, intimidations, unfairly difficult citizenship requirements and family separations? No longer tolerable, regardless of the regained sense of control it peppers back onto "We the (little) people". It all fits the pattern of good herding and stinks like shit. Meantime, unwatched, our Securities and Exchange Commission allowed those corporations deemed "too big to fail" to drag the Nation's economy into the toilet. Let's go teach those Mexican's a lesson.

The majority of illegal immigrants in this country are from the same demographic as their young legal counterparts, thirty years old and younger, healthy and uninsured. The difference lies in a "mexican's" fear to go to the hospital unless he is severely injured. A legal, uninsured American is four times likely to go to an emergency room than an illegal. It takes a broken bone, a gunshot or a pregnancy to get up the nerve for a mexican to go. There he or she will be greeted by a Visa-wielding Indian Intern, bandaged and given a cot in Immigration. Don't worry, no miserly Private Insurance company will have been harmed in the process. No small businessman will suffer the impact of a Workmans Comp claim because the worker ain't on the books anyway. And no out of work American will anxiously forego an Unemployment check to take his place doing "the job American's won't do".

But in these times where the little guy, (you and I and 90% of the legal population of the country)is being stretched, crushed and increasingly desperate, how wonderful that we have found a point of focus for our despair. If I were powerful enough, like say one of these very important Corporate Executives, and I socialized in powerful circles with members of equally powerful influence like, for arguments sake, a Media giant, a Senator or two, any one of a thousand Lobbying firms and so on . . . wouldn't it be convenient to just direct these faceless middle class and poor, who pay no mind to the details of these affairs anyway, and redirect their attention from an abusive, privileged class of tax evading corporations onto these despicable, evil and defenseless Jews! . . . i mean "mexicans"? How amusing it is to let them fight it out amongst themselves. And we thought Michael Vick was a scumbag.

Ignore the news and you have two probable choices: live with the flies or destroy your entire kitchen so they have nowhere to live. Our fingerprints are on too many broken dishes around the globe. We broke them building factories and cars so one economy could rise to lord them all. Many cultures have suffered from the global homogenization this corporate diplomacy has prevailed onto the world. "Empire Building" sounds so deliciously quaint by today's standards, smacking of British discipline and principle. I fail to see the opening of a McDonald's at the Louvre' in a similar romantic light. Closing our borders and cleaning house is less than I should expect from a man of Dr. Cosby's stature and influence. Perhaps he needs to get down from his perch and hang around a few of us "little people" for a while. The flies don't seem to fear heights anyway.
- giov

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Noble Obama / Nobel Obama

Dear Giov,

I saw this on the news and thought you'd enjoy it:


President Barack Obama stunned the country music world today by picking up its highest honor, Country Music Entertainer of the Year.Mr. Obama was chosen unanimously, according to the Country Music Association, beating out such favorite as Carrie Underwood and Toby Keith.In Nashville, country music insiders were shocked by Mr. Obama's selection, given that he has only been in office for eight months and during that time has yet to record a single country song.But Mr. Obama was gracious in receiving the honor, saying that he was "honored and humbled" by the award, before excusing himself to accept this year's Heisman Trophy.
so i replied:

It took me a few minutes before I realized why this made no sense. The disclaimer appears to have been erased. Showing this joke to my autistic, tone-deaf daughter did however get a laugh.

I am too well informed to understand why some Americans think Obama might deserve a music award. I suppose eight years of Bush's "No Child Left Behind" push to improve the country's literacy rate, evitably ruined the Nation's chance to raise the percentage of educated adults. Everyone with a high school diploma should know the first black President of the United States has no rhythm! What the fuck did Bush do to this Country?!

Its a precious stroke of luck the Nobel Committee did not hold Obama responsible for the International mess Bush made of things. Choosing instead to focus credit on Mr. Obama's outline for returning our Nation to the diplomatic table, the "Global Community" after eight years of arrogant gorging at the Unilateral, Industrial trough; for accepting America's complicity in offenses to the Geneva convention; for reclaiming a role of leadership in discussions of Environmental concerns; for turning the light of Health Care back onto the American people; for allowing the Justice department free reign to explore criminal violations of the Constitution by members of the previous admiinistration and for trying to get the Olympic Committee to think Chicago.

The hope is there. The prize is a clever way for the Norwiegans to simply raise the octane level. Its their prize, let them do with it what they will. If the prize is so unfair, so meaningless, why all the fuss and prestige? My guess is that all those Republicans who scorn it keep an empty space on their mantle. Just big enough for a gold banjo. - jt-

and so it went on . . .

Did you take offense to this play on worldly events and for just the moment believe I had intended to serve a politically motivated volley of discontent with the prize bestowed upon our beloved Obama? Shame on you. It appears you do not know me as well as I thought.
- a very disappointed hoop

Mr. Hoople,
Would you take me for a fool? I remind you that My High Schooling was Ford-Carter vintage and my University studies Carter-Reagan. The younger Bush was still piss-drunk and unconscious on the Astro's outfield when I was filling up at the academic pump. No my Brother, his stain is not on me. I can tell a lampoon when I smell one . . . and that country music story of yours stinks to high-heaven of some lampoon way past the expiration date. Shame on you. It appears I'm not a dumb as you thought. God bless America.
- a highly disappointed jt

It appears that I've opened a fissure in the once stable ground where we stood together and appreciated a joke or two, politically motivated or not. Considering the degree of erection your hackle has experienced and due the the lack of concern I have exhibited for your political beliefs , I will do my very best to avoid the deliverance of any such political humor through the waves of cyber space, or other modes of communication, to any destination that may reach your liberal sensitivities.I therefore would like to apologize to you, and your family, for any inconvenience or embarrassment suffered due to my poor choice in said humor.
- Humbly, Hoop ----

Mr. Hoop,
Your insincere mea culpa only serves to further salt the fields of our long and seasoned friendship. To have me think your "news flash" from the Grand Ol' Opry was a legitimate attempt to praise the President of this great Nation of ours would have taken more than just a wiff of paltry sentiment from a shared past gone more than a little strange, but perhaps two or more of those delightful, red b-b sized hits of "25" you used to corrupt my youth and subsequent trajectory toward a sound financial portfolio. My ability to appreciate a joke was never tested during this most recent and unfortunate exchange, as from my perspective, nothing of the kind ever entered into it. I recall only the smile of my fresh risen face as I savored a sip from a steaming cup of morning coffee in front of the monitor upon which the world wide web, Al Gore's baby, greeted me with news of your missive. With the eagerness of a young cubscout brandishing his newest survival instrument, I rattled the keyboard in fevered anticipation, responding to every command, every request, each password with emphatic keystrokes, strutting like a drag biker in the Rainbow Day Parade. What could Kevin have to say ? . . . .

Your apology is unnecessary. I simply pity you and the new crowd you hang with. I choose to pass on the kool-aid this time and marvel instead at the shaft of light piercing through the smoke covered field of carnage where Bush's experiment with diplomacy went awry. Please send me another "joke". I enjoy a good laugh now and then.
-your pal, jt

Friday, October 16, 2009

Cubscouts, Sporks and al-Qolumbine

jt -
BEAR, Del. – A Delaware first-grader who was facing 45 days in an alternative school as punishment for taking his favorite camping utensil to school can return to class after the school board made a hasty change granting him a reprieve.
The seven-member Christina School Board voted unanimously Tuesday to reduce the punishment for kindergartners and first-graders who take weapons to school or commit violent offenses to a suspension ranging from three to five days. - hoop

What's stranger, I'm asking myself. The way the media grabbed this story and promoted it to the status of "real news", or your own fascination with it? I realize that you're a man on the edge lately. As a man who, by my estimation, should not be allowed to carry a spoon/fork/knife cooking utensil into a public building, I'm sure you feel a certain fraternity with this young, political prisoner, simply expressing his religious (cub scout) beliefs. But the point is made all the more painful by virtue that in the end, everyone had a good laugh and just didn't seem to care. You must be ready to crack. I promise to post your farewell "jihad" letter on my blog, misspellings and all. Who's always there for you bro? - jt

Now that I have a moment I'd like to address your comments concerning this news article. The kid is 6 years old. I sure he doesn't even understand what has transpired here although the School Board believed 45 days at a juvenile reform school would be adequate punishment for the crime he had committed. After reconvening, it seems that a 3 to 5 day suspension for a 6 year old child bringing a combination fork, spoon, knife, can opener, with a hide away toothpick and branded with the Cub Scout Insignia to 1st grade class is definitely more fitting for the offense. So, Justice has been served. I would love to see this situation from their point of view but I can't get my head that far up my ass. This kid still doesn't understand the implications of his act and won't for several years. "Mom and Dad" should have gotten a phone call from Mrs. Crabtree and asked to come pick up the utensil then explain to young Johnny the error in choice. Do you remember that bulky, imitation grooved wood grain piece of shit? I guarantee you that the kid doesn't possess the strength or coordination skills to do anything more with the dam thing than pull open the fork or spoon.It's not about the kid and his cub scout utensil. The mentality of the administrative staff that put this situation into play is questionable. I fully understand what the implications could have been for not following the rules for all involved. Regardless, someone should have seen the situation for what it was truly worth then stepped outside the box of this particular rule and handled it accordingly. And I fully understand why you or anyone else would say I'm wrong. The next time a kid picks up the scissors in class should he get tackled and dragged off to the office for having a weapon in his hands? How about the damage one can do another with a pen or pencil? The only crime I can see is this poor kid is missing a week of school and will have to deal with the fallout of other kids looking at him like he's Jack the Ripper. Yes, I am cracking up and yes, this is news worthy. The state of our nation sucks. The kid didn't bring a weapon to school, he brought a cub scout utensil to school. This kid still writes letters to Santa Claus and waits impatiently for the fucking Easter Bunny. He has no idea about gang violence. He doesn't know what happened at Columbine. He doesn't know who Al Qaeda is. I hope he can enjoy a few more years of innocence before he needs to be taught about all of this evil shit. I hope the staff at his school has learned their lesson, also. - hoop

no. you're not wrong . . . about mourning the loss of common sense.

Common sense hasn't been lost. We all know what the right thing to do is. Common sense has been replaced by a set of rules so refined that the ability for us to make a common sense decision has been outlawed. Your common sense decision lies within the bounds of a flow chart.

And this is new? Or has it suddenly lost all proportion? Has it become the latest crisis of our time? Is it a symbol of our failure, yours and mine, and our entire generation from the sixties and seventies? Our turn to take the wheel and raise this next generation of kids into adults, only to forget our way; replacing our hearts and sensibilities with tidy, anal-retentive rules? Or is it something else? Is this story a legitimate test of the principle or an amusing illustration of an isolated incident? . . I seem to recall spending a fair amount of time with you back at Hauppauge exposing similar disciplinary excesses; dancing on the edge, where reason and common sense met the outer boundaries of nonsensical new rules for a showdown . . . Rules that had more to do with control than valid principle or safety. Rules that seemed to disrespect us as people for the simple crime of being under the age of eighteen. These assholes wanted our minds and souls and used the rulebook as a shield against our clearest, most eloquent defenses . . . . (which spitefully we offered anyway, in ample doses.) I don't think this case is worth ignoring. I love how much it pisses you off. I just look back at a time where young kids were prevented from going to school because they were black. Sometimes they were stopped because they were women. A kid in the first grade was taken aside recently to explain where he got the gun he smuggled into class. Another kid was just buried by his family after his young friend showed him how his father taught him to shoot. I don't know why this school made the rule, but I have an idea that a little comon sense, as you suggest, would have gone a long way to prevent this case from becoming a National embarrassment. How about the one where a kid in Kindergarten was handcuffed by a cop who was called in by the school to moderate a disciplinary situation? This shit will apparently go away only when some generation can prove that its ranks are free of assholes. Its a story as old as the birch switch. We've simply traded whips for handcuffs.- jt

A kid in grade nine, here in Vegas at a High School across town, who when reading about was an obvious choice for Lonny's double. On a sunny afternoon in the fall of last while walking home for school with a crowd of kids, he caught a bullet in a drive by shooting and to this day it haunts me. The young shooter took a shot a someone else whom he thought had said something to or about his girlfriend. This tragedy has just hit the court house here and again I live with the thoughts of an asshole that robbed this world of a good life. Again, my worries have been heightened when my kid leaves the house. There is no doubt that bad shit happens everywhere but there is something to be said for the taking of hand if a loaf of bread has been stolen. It would behoove us all to see if its rye or pumpernickel before the axe is in motion. -hoop

Monday, October 12, 2009

A Pirate Tale

A recent letter from Kevin (Hoop):

A handful of brilliant Somali Pirates were in the process of attempting to hijack a commercial ship when, much to their surprise, they realized they were attacking a French Naval Vessel. Instead of training a cannon on the little piece of shit skiff that these ocean going geniuses were mounting their campaign from, the French Sailors hit them with a spot light and bull-horned out the message that they were all under arrest.

Obviously, in such a situation, the French Navy had several options to choose from. With their honor, pride and nobility in place, and a great opportunity to express a willingness to conduct worldly business with a sense of humanitarianism, The French Captain made the decision to take Skipper Skinny and his skiff full of Somali Gilligans into custody.The photo op was great. Several poor Somalis, and some wearing nothing more that pants, being held against their will (photos #1 & #2)* for allegedly attempting to overpower a huge naval vessel with their little out board motor boat. (photos #3 & #4)*.

Shit like this goes over well at the UN. Considering that the ACLU has very little weight with respect to the International Community, pieces of splintered wood and the floating remains of those skinny ass sons of bitches would have made for good pictures as well. Actually, the pirates shouldn't get any press. We should quietly blast them all out of the water.

"But they have hostages" you might say. If they kill their hostages they'll have nothing to negotiate with(and you know how they love to say negotiate) so maybe they'll do one or two. If we blow up pirates, we'll eventually run out of pirates. Sounds like a win/win to me. Our Government can't seriously be concerned about the death of hostages. That would fall into the category of collateral damage.

Considering the Afghan Theater, every time we send up a Predator, fitted with ordnance, the probability for collateral damaged exists yet we continue to fly. In other words, if (you) don't have an issue with the continuing overseas contingency, blowing up pirates should be a walk in the park never mind a turkey shoot.
- hoop
, (* photos are not yet posted)

Your letter is remarkably energetic; displaying that singular talent of yours for observing a perimeter of sympathetic detail for each opposing side of a situation, leaving no doubt in the surprise finale whose head must coldly roll into the basket. I cannot argue with the greater majority of your frustration. Every attempt by humanitarian groups to squeeze the "Somalian Pirate Engagement" into a biblical perspective appears on the surface to ignore the true lesson of David the Jew's defeat of Goliath the over-sized Philistine. The French, it would appear are evil by virtue of their overwhelming advantage. The proper thing for any reasonable Naval vessel to do under the circumstances would have been to simply pass the hat and lower a basket of joy to the tiny, angry little pirates below. This would serve as a lesson for all time to the world that France is a humanitarian superstar and further, that the aggressive techniques of Somalian fisherman-turned-thugs are not only condoned but rewarded.

The French ship decided to prevent these men from simply moving on to softer booty by arresting them. You are also implying the attached photographs have been used by humanitarian organizations to exploit the suffering of the disadvantaged under the whip of the evil West. "Several poor Somalis and some wearing little more than pants, being held against their will. . . " is how you painted it. Very moving.

To prevent the relentless travesty and exploitation of "sound justice" by the evil U.N., you suggest reducing the entire incident to an event measured by the time it takes for the thick black cloud of cannon fire to dissolve into the quiet sky above a faggot of wood splinters spread thin across the rolling sea. How antiseptic. How romantic. And no photos. Very clean.

I am reminded of the ticket I got one morning as I drove to a job site on Center Island, an exclusive community of exceeding wealth in a region of exceedingly wealthy communities just outside New York City. This place makes Greenwich, CT look like Wyandanch, Long Island. I worked here for a while as a scaffolder on a twenty-five thousand square foot, four story, Portuguese limestone mansion being built by some guy as a gift for his useless, unemployed coke-head son. Being of such privileged location and grand scale, this house can be seen from Connecticut, fifteen miles across the Sound. I drove a twenty year old Volvo. It looked every day of twenty years old.

There was only one road onto Center Island where a tiny, private Police station stood sentry. Every morning I would pass the windows of this small house wondering who was watching me from behind the half-closed blinds. I guess it never occurred to me that my presence in this community would irritate so many otherwise invisible neighbors. I was eventually pulled over and questioned for over a half hour. Where do I work? Why do I have so many coffee cups on the front seat of my car? How long am I staying? Don't I own a razor? and the one that hit the spot: "so you drive this piece of shit to our beautiful community without a valid Inspection sticker?"

The cost of this ticket only delayed my ability to have my car inspected. My personal investment portfolio at this juncture was vulnerable, you might even suggest it was weak, you see. I needed the work. So I did what any desperate, imaginative guy, a little down on his luck, with a dollar and a dream would do in my situation. I forged an Inspection sticker, kept the job and eventually got the real sticker.

The moral? Desperate times reach into a man's soul and squeeze the world into an alternate, semi-workable configuration. Some would call it survival and be done with it. Others would judge it against some code of ethics and denounce it. Better I suppose for my family to have a husband and father maintain his honor, quit his job and file for State aid. I was wrong, yes. Am I sorry for it? No. . . . .

After the collapse of the Siad Barre government in 1991, numerous Somali Warlords subsequently filled the power vacuum, fighting one another for control of the country ever since. I suppose this isn't really news. People over "there" can't get anything right. If they're not killing and raping their neighbors, they simply kill and rape each other. News from Africa never seems to change. Kenya, Uganda, Somalia, Ethiopia. . . its all pretty much the same story. Who can keep track anymore? Who cares?

When a nation of 9 million people find themselves starving, suddenly trying to make it inside a collapsed, decentralized economy, the resulting shortage of food and other resources should come as little surprise. The fisherman along the ample coastline were now the engines of small, community sized economys. The fish they brought home supplied food, the trade supplied jobs and the jobs represented some semblence of what we here in the West would call an economy. So the Warlords fought over the principles while Joe the Plumber fished. Sounds like heaven, right?

Not far enough away, however, some large unscrupulous institutions in Europe, like certain hospitals and factories, making everything from electronics to automobiles, huge companies with garbage to hide began smelling blood in the waters off Africa's horn. At around the same time, International Fishing corporations, having overworked their own waters, sailed to the same region uninvited, to do a bit of "market research" of their own. The nation of Somalia, with its two thousand mile coastline was no longer protected by a national Navy or Coast guard. Who would notice or care? Like stealing candy from a baby.

Well, in reference to the garbage dumping, its called "Toxic Colonialism" (coined by Gerd Leipold, Executive Director of Greenpeace) and is banned by a treaty signed in 1995 by 172 countries. Inspired by the "Khian Sea" incident where Haiti found itself the target of dumping by a corporation from Philadelphia; and the 8000 barrels of hazardous waste from Italy which made a small farmer from Koko, Nigeria a landlord to the tune of $100 a month rent. Known as the Basel Convention, these rules outline the processes wherein predatory industrial nations prey on fragile developing nations, desperate for cash, and agree to "ban" them. For the record, there are no rules of enforcement. Sounds like Prostitution to me. In the case of Somalia they didn't even leave a dime on the nightstand. Sounds more like rape to me.

After the collapse of the Siad Barre government, a grass roots network of loosely affiliated municipal courts organized posses to clean the streets as best they could. Their efforts helped reduce robberies and drug traffic among other crimes. With the support of the general public, based largely on results, the seperate courts formed a coalition called the Islamic Courts Union in 1999. Militias were organized to patrol the roads which were then infested by desperate thieves who robbed travelers for "toll" money. Eretria was an important supplier of weapons to the ICU. Unfortunate for the ICU was its Muslim association with Al Shabab, an organization on the United States Terrorist list. In 2006, a push by the ICU to take back control of a whole Somalia was defeated when forces from Ethiopia, backed by the Bush Administration in the name of the United States, invaded with superior force. Heh, heh. Take that you Islamical terrorist Evil Doers! . . heh

Now lets take a look at the progression of the situation on the coast. You're a poor guy from a broken country. The waters you learned to fish, that your father fished, the fish that fed your family, these waters have become both stripped of fish by fleets from uninvited foreign seafood corporations and toxic from illegal, foreign dumping. The women in the village are no longer interested in a broken fisherman. There is however, a group of ragged men with young ladies showing particular attention. Want to make it in this town? Go say hello.

The money from the pirating follows a traditional pattern. The first assaults on foreign vessels were by angry fisherman defending their turf. The money was considered a fine, a toll, payment; maybe even scare these guys off. Yeah, right. The money was nice. The attacks spread to include nonfishing vessels and waters a bit futher off the coast. Now we're talking real pirates! The business became very lucrative. We're now talking the kind of money needed to buy real firepower. One Supertanker could net $30 million in ransome. We're talking rockets! So the illegal gun trade took off. With the guns came power. This is not an easy thing to let go of. Power needs money. This is the root of the modern Somalian Pirate trade.

Its just a shame the U.S. had to crush the ICU back in '06. The escalation of illegal gun trading would not have been tolerated by an organized militia or National police force for that matter. Without an easy gun market, the pirating might been less feverish and better managed from the mainland, where contemporary efforts by an embarrassed and "concerned" International community have finally focused.

It has been suggested that Obama makes the Industrialized West look weak by using restraint in the issue of Piracy off the African Horn. More force, Mr. Newt Gingrich implores, will teach these savages a lesson about messing with the "civilized" world. Your letter to me suggests that more damage is done to our noble cause, to wipe piracy from the books of modern nautical lore, by humanitarian groups with digital cameras than we can continue to bear. "Collateral Damage" is the anticeptic coin we in the West use to describe brown skinned civilians holding their unsubscripted dead. Thank GOD we're spared the obnoxious wailing! Let's just save these whining bastards some film. Wait . . . those new cameras don't use film, do they? . . .My bad! lol

Piracy is wrong and pirates should be arrested. I do not argue this point. Illegal fishing in foreign seas is equally wrong. Toxic dumping is worse. Pirates take booty. Illegal fishing by large, well equipped commercial ships ruins entire villages. Toxic dumping is obscene on a global scale. I merely suggest an effort of equivilant substance and might be employed to address the grievances of the Somali people that has been focused on their most desperate sons.
- Giov

and from David Debrocke:
Piracy is going as strong as it was in the Golden Age. The only difference now is that the game has changed quite a bit. Instead of Galleons and sloops, pirates are equipping themselves with fast speed boats and instead of swords and cannons they are using assault weapons.With the latest attack on the French naval vessel, that just goes to show the world that they are dealing with not the sharpest tools in the shed, compared to such pirates as Blackbeard or Captain Kidd. This is a serious problem throughout the world it has been estimated that pirates are responsible for millions of dollars lost in goods through shipping for a course of one year. So what could be the answer to being rid of these scourages of the oceans? Hoop has a point about just blowing them out of the water, but who's shoulders does that responsibility fall upon? For most of these countries they do not even have a police force, much less than a government, or even a Navy. There has been stated accounts of pirates attacking a vessel,then the next day officials show up and ask the Captain and crew could you Identify these pirates that attacked you? They would say yes and then point at the police officers and say that it was them! How insane is that! So many times it is the actual people that are suppose to defend there countries waterways that are doing the actual act of piracy. Many of these shipping companies have thought about providing an armed escorts through these waters where piracy is abundant, but that cost is enormous and that would only be kicked back to us the consumers. On top of that Maritime law is not clear on who has the legal right to defend these ships. Most vessels are usually registered in other countries that differ from there home ports.So where does the responsibility lie ??? Personally I think this is a huge problem and should be addressed before it really gets out of hand.I think the only way to really do that is by rewriting Maritime law and bring it into the future. So Jeff and Hoop I hope you enjoy a little different insight. Oh by the way I am David, Karen's husband.Hope everything is well on your guys end! Have a wonderful day! Sorry still trying to figure out this whole computer thing! - David

It is late. I have read your letter three times. Thank you for opening the subject to include questions outside the original debate. Solutions similar to Kevin's suggestion of terminal force need to survive a well reasoned challenge before they are condoned. I simply began my exercise by asking whether a man is born into crime or driven to crime. Victor Hugo eloquently addressed this many years ago in the classic, Les Miserables. I believe the corrupting influence of profit without sacrifice is stronger than any society's ability to act within the sctrictest confines of their principles. We all seem to know what is right, yet live self-righteously compromised by collateral conditions. These extraneous details, referred to as "extenuating circumstances" are acknowledged factors of our own American judicial system, employed to reconfigure a series of events into a more favorable context, creating the dynamics or tensions so frequently exploited in our entertainment productions, most prevelantly by our television dramas.

Rising from this snake pit of America's lowest cultural denominator back to the practical, brick and mortar reality of the law, our personal protection under these same principles exposes the shameful disconnect within a society whose better interests lie in acknowledging the damage done when denying these same libertys to our neighbors, yet opts to withhold them regardless. The illegal dumping of toxic waste will not be addressed by declaring open season on the pirates. The same applies to the collateral effects of zero-tolerance piracy laws on the enforcement of illegal fishing practices. It is simply difficult for the comfortable citizen of the industrialized West to accept an equation for harmony any more complex than hitting the gopher with a nine iron.

As I said, it is late. This is not the way I would like to reply to you. I'm tired and you deserve some real, engaging feedback. Please let me know if you would mind having your letter posted on the blog. Few read it outside a few friends and family, but it keeps a few of us both inspired and de-stressed. Thanks again, -jt

Merry Meet Jeff,

After talking with our friend Hoop on the phone. He thought I should give you my take on Piracy. I don't think all pirates are bad. Take Jack Sparrow, he was a priate in the caribbean. His ship being the Black Pearl was stolen from him by Barbarosa. Jack just wanted his ship back. He did not rape anyone or steal from anyone.. He like his rum and seem to be very friendly.. ( and very cute too.) Now even though Barbarsoa did steal the Black Pearl from Jack. He did turn his life around and help Jack get it back. On that note... you see not all pirates are bad. and they do have the ability to change and be better pirates. That is my take on Piracy.
karen &n bsp;

© Jeff Thomas 2009

Saturday, October 10, 2009

The Tapeworm

I'm sick of the number of creeps who drag Religion down the basement stairs and tie it to a chair. Here's another fine example. This file was e-mailed to me in adobe format. I had to transcribe the text from the original as I was unable to copy it or provide a link. I hope to supply the photos soon.
The Chain Letter from Mr. Terry Moon:

"You have to see these pictures. I would love to see it in person. This is about 70 miles outside Amerillo in a town called Groom, TX.

(This must have been an awesome labor of love.)
Read message at the end of pictures!
These are the pictures of the crucifixion of Christ
Sculptured from metal by a man near Amerillo, TX . . .
The crosses are made of metal also. The man did
this out of the kindness of his heart.
Someone donated the land
On which to erect them.
Who is Jesus?
In Chemistry, he turned water into wine;
In Biology, he was born without the normal conception;
In Physics he disproved the law of gravity when he ascended into Heaven;
In Economics, he disproved the law of diminishing return by feeding 5000 men with two fishes & 5 loaves of bread; In medicine, he cured the sick and the blind without administering a single dose of drugs;
In History, he is the beginning and the end;
In Government, he said that he shall be called wonderful counselor, prince of peace In religionhe said no one comes to the father except through him;
So who is he? He is Jesus!
Join me and let's celebrate him; He is worthy.
The eyes beholding this message shall not behold evil,
The hand that will send this message to everybody shall not labor in vain,
Remain in God and seek His face always. Amen. . .

And The Kicker ! :

If you believe in God and in Jesus Christ His son, Send this to all on your Buddy List

and the response:

To all,

Thanks for the photos. A truly inspiring act of faith by the artist. The labor intensive process of bronze casting alone puts this work in a class far beyond mere talent. I especially enjoy his fearless homage to Sig. Buonarroti's " Pieta' ". Though uneven in their individual attitude and degree of aesthetic excellence, the scale and literal thoroughness make for a commanding unity. I believe Jesus himself would be moved. However . . .

Wasn't it enough to just show the photographs? It puzzles me why sharing an unambiguous expression of one man's devotion to Christ through sculpture is not a satisfactory end in itself but needs to develop into some passive-aggressive deconstruction of the viewer's personal relationship with Jesus. It is a respectful tradition among the audience at symphonic performances to withhold personal expressions of disappointment or satisfaction until annotated breaks or the end of the performance. At issue here is the potential for one individual to infect the artist's intentions toward the group as a whole.

Mr. Moon's captions were anti-climatic; a self indulgent effort to climb onto the pulpit and steal the show. The fragility of the spiritual influence on the creative process is too subtle for him. So we are rewarded at the slide show's end with Terry Moon's epiphany:

Separate the Obedient from the Damned.

These images of events in the life of Christ were little more than a springboard for his own self love and a call to emphasize the line between "Us" and "Them". I'm sure Jesus would be turning in his grave (if things didn't go a bit differently.) He never even named to the sculptor. No, this was all about Terry Moon.

In the Gnostic text of Thomas, Jesus tells us to seek our heaven here on Earth. Our own Thomas Jefferson reworked this theme, editing his King James with a fine blade, creating what is now known as the Jeffersonian Bible. Simply remove the "controlling, supernatural themes"; leave the Love. Anyone with love in his heart can now find heaven, rich or impoverished, independent of the Church Almighty. The implications of this perspective were apparently too threatening to those assembled at Chalcedon. I'm only sorry the Protestants, for all their fine efforts, chose to import this stain into their playbook.

Regardless of my deep love and regard for the example set by Jesus Christ, every aggressive attempt to break my solemn, personal confidence with the Lord will be exposed for the mean spirited hog wash it is. No enthusiastic loud-mouthed zealot can threaten my disdain for juvenile, superstitious "chain-letter" voodoo nonsense with eternal damnation. No, Mr. Terry Moon, I will not forward your e-mail to everyone I know. Sorry to disappoint you, but I do not risk eternal damnation either. If you want attention, do something of substance on your own merits. You are a parasite and little more.

God and I are fine, thank you.

Send this to eight of your closest friends or your car will not start when you next need it most.

© Jeff Thomas 2009