"A hot winded pacifist" -Victoria Schell Wolf

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Asses en Mass

- excerpt- BOSTON-AP-His health care plan in peril, President Barack Obama laid on a last-minute campaign trip to Massachusetts for Democrat Martha Coakley on Sunday with polls showing her struggling in an unexpectedly close race against Republican Scott Brown to fill the late Edward M. Kennedy's Senate seat.
Vice President Joe Biden, trying to turn the focus of the race away from the president's embattled health care bill, joined the fray, sending an e-mail to Democrats assailing the Republican candidate for opposing Obama's just-announced plan to tax large Wall Street firms.


Hey Hot Wind,

I'd love to see the ratio of how much time is used campaigning opposed to actual work. If theses folks would spend more time working instead of running around, shaking hands, kissing babies and stealing lollipops, the results from their hard word would negate a lot of the campaigning they need to do to save their jobs.
- Jobless Taxpayer

~~~~~~~~~~~and yet another reader on the mess in Mass : ~~~~~~~~~~

-excerpt- Jan. 19 (Bloomberg) -- Democrats face the possibility of losing their most iconic U.S. Senate seat, held for almost 47 years by the late Edward Kennedy, in a Massachusetts election today that could also cost them their 60-vote Senate supermajority needed to help pass a health-care overhaul.

- comment-

Prof. Hot Wind,

Boy, what a show. This Massachusetts senate seat is making for some heavy political reporting this morning. Ms. Coakley (D) vs. Mr. Brown (R). To paraphrase Ms. Coakley, “We took it upon ourselves to take on the Taliban in Afghanistan and now they’re gone”. OK, she’s a little out of touch with that issue. Here’s the killer. She said something about this particular senate seat is ours, the democrats. It’s been ours since 1952. Wrong. And Brown exploited that remark perfectly in saying the seat belonged to the people.
I’ve been tracking this on MSNBC. The buzz is that if this seat is lost to the Republicans it will bring down the Obama Administration. Don’t you just love the blame game?

- Restless in Lever Pulling America

Dear Jobless and Restless,

A short while ago you wrote to me about your frustration with Obama and the Congress, both accused of wasting too much time in front of the camera or on a jet to the next photo-op. You concluded that this pointless time away from their desks was exactly why the problems of the country are festering in a malaise, allowed to stall and decay while our elected officials preoccupy themselves and the nation with a sexier, more scintillating narrative of the nobility-class Socialite, always in demand and on the go.

The logistics involved in successfully moving a single report/bill from Obama's "in-box" to his "out-box" however involves factors way beyond the door frame of the Oval Office, (and I don't mean clearing brush in Crawford, Texas). This is the primary achievement of our founding fathers, who feared the rulings of such legislation by one individual could jeopardize the public's right to oversee and "contribute" to the process of decision making and hide any traces of artificial, self serving calculation. This is the fundamental difference between a democracy/republic and a dictatorship/monarchy.

Availability to health insurance is the greatest factor seperating one set of Americans, the more affluent whose access to preventative health maintenance is secure, from their remaining countrymen for whom these services are financially prohibitive. Preventative health care is key to explaining the relative value of these services within their context as moderately priced medical expenditures toward the prevention of progressive stages of serious, and more costly medical conditions. The second set of Americans whose access to these procedures is restricted because of insufficient financial resources will more likely require the inevitable increase in costs for avoidable treatments resulting from many years of ignored symptoms. Our government is usually expected to pick up the tab for these hardluck cases. A "considerable portion" of the cost of the new plan is expected to come from these hypothetical savings.

Obama is trying to erase the gap between these two classes of people for reasons which range from simple issues of common decency to figures which outline the potential cost effectiveness of preventative medical check-ups and treatment. The Congress, split down the middle is standing on his IV tube. The single vote in Massachussetts will either make or kill his chances to move our Health care system forward or keep the middle and lower class Americans out of the Insurance tent.

What good will sitting at his desk, staring at his In-box do for the Americans like yourself who need Insurance coverage for pre-existing conditions but can't even find a fucking job? Let him fly. Trust me, the free food and cocktails ain't worth the hassle . . .

Yet somehow, despite the stakes, the Democrats have set themselves up with a another loser with a miserable track record to tend goal. You have every right to be amused at the drama, but with so much going on right now, shouldn't Obama be forgiven for delegating this campaign to the Massachussetts Democratic party? What a complete cluster-fuck of errors. Sometimes I honestly feel bad for the guy.

- Prof. Hot Wind

some media sleaze please

Dear Readers,

It was nice to hear the Chinese were sending volunteers and supplies to Haiti. The world response to the earthquake proved once again that when global disasters occur, Commies and Capitalists, Leftists and Rightys can work together. I find it interesting once again, that those loud mouth critics of the "Great Satan" always lay low and silent when the charity basket is passed around. Where the fuck are the al Qaeda volunteers, North Korean wons (their currency) or Lybian engineers and doctors? No where!

We are the wizards of media seduction and preconscious suggestion. Anorexia and related dietary disorders have been overwhelmingly associated with powerful cues provided by marketing agencies through televised commercial spots for products that promote an unhealthy standard of beauty.

How many Americans are in the financial toilet trying to chase the media-hyped dream of owning too much home or too much car?
Our political spin doctors rose to surgical proficiency when declaring war on the President's proposed Healthcare reform by falsely referring to one of its provisions as a "death panel for seniors" in spite of the fact that the language in the bill says nothing of the sort!
Millions and millions of otherwise educated Americans prefer to subscribe to the exitement of the hype rather than the drudgery of the research required to seperate the myth from the science. The truth in the end is far less exciting anyhow. Why should the arab world be immune? Let them have the facts occur to them, courtesy of Western media weasels.

Where are these sleazy Tacticians when our Nation needs a bit of P.R. candy? What could possibly be wrong with asking Al Jazeera and the rest of whatever listening World Press is out there, why the Great Satan seems to be involved with providing aid and disaster relief to countries hit hard by mother nature, regardless of our political or corporate dynamics.

With so many financial burdens on the table in Congress and in the kitchens of so many Americans hit hard by the recent financial crisis here at home, it is the consistant style and nature of our government to put our own citizens and projects to the side when nature strikes elsewhere on the planet. Is this the apporopriate behavior of the monster so many young jihadists have signed up to give their young lives trying to destroy? Lets get some Madison Avenue press on this point right the fuck NOW! It might just shine a fresh light on the insects behind the terrorism and save a few thousand lives some where.

- Professor H. Wind

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~READER RESPONSE~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Hey Jerk-off,

The educated jihadist has already explained to their young students, their children, that this disaster in Haiti is yet one more example of Allah's wrath shed upon the infidels that don't follow in the teachings of the radicalist's version of the Koran. These lessons only bolster the beliefs of the young who will later pass these teachings along as their Fathers did. I'm sure a passage exists, for their convenience, that can not aid in calamities suffered at Allah's hand.

The North Koreans don't even know this has happened, with the exception of their oppressors. They're much too busy funding their military to fend off a pending nuclear strike that the United States is poised to follow through with. Let's call it self preservation.

As for the rest of the inhumane trash that walks the Earth, their lack of passion should be exploited but would once again fall on the deafness of the very ears of the hearts and minds that need to be enlightened. Regardless, the effort to reach these misguided souls should be made with as much intensity as to prove the none existence of a leader's birth certificate or the "Kill Grandma" clause in a stack of paper work that could transform into legislation, ultimately creating the funding to save her life.

On a personal note, it would be nice to see the reporters on site in Haiti to forget, and for just a moment please, the Pulitzer Prize. Put down the cameras and microphones and shoot for Humanitarian Awards instead. We don't need to see footage of the collapsed buildings. Help dig out the people under them before time runs out.

- Jaded in Baton Rouge

Monday, January 18, 2010

Pope Mentsh I

ROME (Reuters) – An Italian Jewish leader told Pope Benedict Sunday that his wartime predecessor Pius XII should have spoken out more forcefully against the Holocaust to show solidarity with Jews being led to the "ovens of Auschwitz."
The comments, from the president of Rome's Jewish community Riccardo Pacifici, were made during the pope's first visit to Rome's synagogue and were some of the bluntest ever spoken by a Jewish leader in public to a pope.
"The silence of Pius XII before the Shoah, still hurts because something should have been done," Pacifici told the pope, using the Hebrew word for the Holocaust.

- comment -

Prof. Hot Air,
This is exactly what I was trying to express with regard to the fallout from the comment made by the Las Vegas teacher*. Every rational person in the free world knows of the horrors of the Holocaust. Pope Pius XII died almost 52 years ago. He really can't defend himself at this point. Would a second hand apology from Pope Benedict and/or the Catholic Church on the behalf of Pope Pius XII's alleged lack of enthusiasm in his proactive speaking engagements as they pertained to the Holocaust be accepted by the Jewish Community? I doubt it. So, why pitch a fit?
In light of the continuing sensitivity issue surrounding the Jewish Community's anguish with respect to insufficient world attention as it relates to the devastating effects of the Holocaust, I'm recommending the following: All documents pertaining to the atrocities committed by the Nazi Party and all affiliates where it applies to the blatant disregard for, and specifically the Jewish people, should be ratified by preceding the description "bad", when speaking of any criminal conduct or disdain for human life, with "very".
If memory serves, the world didn't know about the concentration camps and the murderous goings on at the camps until these unfortunate victims were liberated by American Soldiers near the end of the war. Pope Pius Xll did not have a crystal ball. If he did, it may have encouraged a foot stomping, or perhaps a shoe banging incident similar to that of Nikita Khrushchev's at the UN General Assembly, to further show his protest and distaste for the war as well as the attempted annihilation of a race.
They need to understand that the current Pope dedicates a tremendous amount of effort towards world peace. He's an old man, for God's sake. Leave him alone already. There isn't anything we can do with the events of yesterday except learn from our mistakes. And besides, the Apocalypse is approaching and I'm sure he has an immense amount of prep work in planning stages that needs to be addressed.

- farmisht Acolyte

* ref : The Freedom of Speech, essay Jan. 1, 2010 on this blog
Dear Farmisht,(an analysis)

This is exactly what I was trying to express with regard to the fallout from the comment made by the Las Vegas teacher.*(see ref. above) Every rational person in the free world knows of the horrors of the Holocaust.
Young "rational" people do not research their history as much as determine which history they choose to believe from the spectrum of opinions on events they are told. It is the context of these exchanges that promotes a personal appeal and subsequent appraisel of its worth and utility. Facts are another matter entirely. The child's world begins with an absolute deference to some parental figure from whom all sufficient references and descriptions are supplied. Soon enough, he will begin attending a public school where additional influences will upgrade and broaden the previous horizons with both fresh information and more elaborate contexts, resulting in the first break from the parent's passive grip on absolute authority. This freedom from protracted infancy does not however provide the emancipated child with all-out protection against predatory influences. This will require a developed sense of trust, which like truth, takes from one source, many shapes. All we can ever hope to accomplish as teachers for our young is to emphasize the value of context and labor to nourish it, protect it and if need be, rebuild it with time. A lie told in a temple is among the harshest offenses to a good society. Yet as you point out, it is an evil among us.
It is for this reason I cannot let predators like Sublette release her poison inside a public school without directing attention to it.

I would like to point out also, that

- irrational people enter the voting boothes on a regular basis
- most "rational" people are strangers to rational thinking, prefering to believe what is gained from irrational or compromised contexts
- the remaining "rational" people are generally mistrusted for the austerity of their values

Pope Pius XII died almost 52 years ago. He really can't defend himself at this point. Would a second hand apology from Pope Benedict and/or the Catholic Church on the behalf of Pope Pius XII's alleged lack of enthusiasm in his proactive speaking engagements as they pertained to the Holocaust be accepted by the Jewish Community? I doubt it. So, why pitch a fit?
I think President Clinton's 1997 apology to Rwanda for the Slave trade was a noble attempt to allow the U.S. to begin healing and acknowledge before the African people our admission of the crime and acknowledgement of its severity.
I also believe John Paul II's forgiveness of Galileo on November 4, 1992 was not a wasted gesture either.
If not now, where and when will the madness end? Who or what is protected by maintaining silence on this issue? Catholic pride?
I believe the Pope is assumed to represent the Catholic Church and was never intended to be distinct from it. The silence of the Pope under this premise amounts to the silence of the Catholic Church and by virtue of his "infallible" association, the Lord Himself. By this reasoning, the stain of Papal silence during the Holocaust deprived a few hundred million Catholic faithful an orthodox, reasoned denunciation of the brutality from their highest order of context. This position will live for as long as the Church remains vital and silent on the subject.

There is a proverb which reads: "Not to decide is to decide." Through his eloquent silence I believe most "rational" people around the world inferred some understanding of the Pope's position on the Holocaust. One need only contrast this behavior with the current unified voice of Catholics against abortion.
I also believe you are wrong about the primal power of an apology. Pitch the fit.

In light of the continuing sensitivity issue surrounding the Jewish Community's anguish with respect to insufficient world attention as it relates to the devastating effects of the Holocaust, I'm recommending the following: All documents pertaining to the atrocities committed by the Nazi Party and all affiliates where it applies to the blatant disregard for, and specifically the Jewish people, should be ratified by preceding the description "bad", when speaking of any criminal conduct or disdain for human life, with "very".
I love the sentence but feel it is undermined by a sophomoric, anti-semetic attenuation of a serious situation. If you are bothered by a child with a propensity to whine, do you as an adult, turn a scornful ear when she is in pain? The holocaust for the Jewish people was more like an amputation then a contusion. The healing will never be complete until the patient learns to heal from the inside. As long as the world treats them as whining, one legged children, they will not heal and we will not be free from it.

If memory serves, the world didn't know about the concentration camps and the murderous goings on at the camps until these unfortunate victims were liberated by American Soldiers near the end of the war.
Oh! the power of keeping our dutiful little mouthes shut . . .

Pope Pius Xll did not have a crystal ball. If he did, it may have encouraged a foot stomping, or perhaps a shoe banging incident similar to that of Nikita Khrushchev's at the UN General Assembly, to further show his protest and distaste for the war as well as the attempted annihilation of a race.
Why didn't he borrow Churchill's or Roosevelt's globe? Are you suggesting the Church was "outclassed" by the baffoonish Krushchev? Besides, the Pope wears slippers, doesn't he? Kinda "anti-clamitic" no? . . .

They need to understand that the current Pope dedicates a tremendous amount of effort towards world peace. He's an old man, for God's sake. Leave him alone already.
I just read that standing in a balcony and saying "I'm Sorry" burns fewer than five calories. (Even fewer if you say it in Latin)

There isn't anything we can do with the events of yesterday except learn from our mistakes. And besides, the Apocalypse is approaching and I'm sure he has an immense amount of prep work in planning stages that needs to be addressed.
Our past mistakes include too many missed opportunities to apologize and own up to our more shameful moments.
And wait just a doggone minute here! . . Wasn't it Jesus himself who begged for us to heed the word and repent ye on thy death bed, at Death's door, to ask forgiveness from Him, for our sins and trangressions, before the hour of our Earthly departure draws nigh?
I do declare Mr. Kevin Hoople, but you are the confusing one I'll say . . .

- H.W.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

FOXy Sarah

Dear Hot Wind,

Former Gov. Sarah Palin of Alaska has signed on as a contributor to the Fox News Channel.
The network confirmed that Ms. Palin would appear on the network’s programming on a regular basis as part of a multiyear deal. Financial terms were not disclosed.

This is just PERFECT!

- an exhausted American

Dear Exhausted,
There has been in recent years an increasingly profound disconnect between speaking and content. What we as a nation earnestly believe is supported more often today than in past generations by an ever increasing tsunami of information of the lowest substantial, verifiable order. Validation is simply going the way of those other vestigal charms of pre-television culture like reading poetry and knowledge of the placement of constellations in the evening sky. The eye you see, has those very cool lids that make blinking a snap and editing the visual world a simple matter of personal choice. Our ears however do not have "lids". It has been suggested through controlled experimentation by very prominent psychologists with acres of sheepskins nailed to the walls of Universities with names like Stanford, Columbia and Harvard, that brain activity can be modified to some degree by manipulating the sounds that enter the ear canal. Mozart for example, when exclusively introduced for deliriously extended periods of time has altered the pattern of EEG activity to a degree of such consistancy as to embolden numerous Phd's to suggest an association of Classical music listening and improved critical cognition. I would extrapolate from such studies that the opposite of the so called "Mozart effect", a condition I will call the "Palin effect", is not only possible, but is proven true by the results of a nationwide program now in its sixtieth year of operation. An overwhelming majority of Americans today make decisions with a mind that has suffered the cognitive atrophy that would naturally result from years upon years of intellectual cotton candy streaming directly into the unprotected ear canal, vibrating the tympia, rocking the stirrup and anvil, rustling the cilea in the cochlear and streaming in a flash of electronic syrup directly into the most complex calculating organism of the known universe. This syrup, I propose, has finally gummed the gears of this nation's collective philosophical aptitude to just before a dead halt.

And now FOX news has hired Sarah Palin. I am certain, very certain, that this is not just another example of poor taste on the part of the evil tribunal behind the scenes there at FOX, but rather a remarkably sophisticated and unscrupulous maneuver by an organization determined to rid the voting boothes of informed lever pullers. Sarah Palin has the marketable effect of making people stop what they are doing and listen. This translates into millions of fresh listeners for FOX. I find myself guilty of the same perverse voyeurism, if for no better reason than one might stop to watch in awe as two slugs fuck or re-watch footage of the World Trade Towers collapsing for the eight thousandth time. She fascinates me precisely for her ability to smile, project the confidence of someone accepting an award for something worthy, and speak at reasonable length about issues on which she is genuinely ill-informed and which matter to people she knows and cares nothing about.

[from a televised interview with CBS Evening News, 9/30/08]

Katie Couric: " . . and when it comes to establishing your world view, I'm curious, what newspapers and magazines did you regularly read, before you were tapped for this to stay informed and to understand the world?"
Sarah Palin: "I've read most of them with a great appreciation for the press, for the media . . "
Katie Couric: " . but like what ones specifically, I'm curious . . "
Sarah Palin: " . . Umm, all of 'em, any of 'em um, that've been in front of me over all these years . . "
Katie Couric: "can you name a few?"
Sarah Palin: "I have a vast variety of sources where we get our news to . . "
and so on.

This is speaking.

Content is another matter entirely. FOX admires speaking and speakers. Content is what "unAmericans" are all hopped up about. Content will ruin the white family as we all grew up knowing it in the thirties, forties, fifties and yes, even those damn, filthy sixties. Content has its cross-hairs on the Church, the Banks, and Industry. This message of Faith-based, conservative American values has needed a Fuck-bunny spokesperson for too long now. FOX, as a savvy marketing force, recognizes both the disconnect I speak of and the power in delivery void of content.

Content however is more often associated with a style of delivery that would hypnotize the White Cliffs of Dover; take for instance Alan Greenspan or Timothy Geitner's explanation of the Country's economy; or Pres. Obama's explanation of the Health Care bill and related compromises.
It appears far less strenuous and twice as effective for the Conservative media to trash Al Gores "Inconvenient Truth" for its "partisan" influence and political agenda; a rare attempt to explain a complex issue of unsurpassed importance by a man who no longer seeks a job in the government, than to admit that Sarah Palin is using the FOX media machine to pander for Presidential votes without offering an apology for the double standard.
and I'm just getting started . . .

- Hot Wind

Thursday, January 7, 2010

all I want for Christmas . . .

Dear Prof. Hot Wind,

WASHINGTON –AP- An official briefed on the attack on a Detroit airliner said Saturday the U.S. has known for at least two years that the suspect in the attack could have terrorist ties. The Terrorist Identities Datamart Environment list is maintained by the U.S. National Counterterrorism Center. It includes about 550,000 names.


Well, guess we have about 549,999 remaining. I do hope they treat this guy real nice while we continue searching for his buddies. And what of the "hero" passenger that foiled the attempt? He'll probably be sued in civil court for attacking this citizen of the world and he’ll lose. I say American justice for American citizens. HEAR, HEAR! Punishment for all others can be found in the Old Testament, and dump the due process, please. Remember, they are not American citizens and have nothing more than the utmost disrespect for you, me, and this wonderful country in which we were born and raised. This douche bag tried to blow up a plane so put him in an old plane and blow it up. The passengers are already lined up at the gates of Gitmo, International.
Get real you say? I know this guy won't be blown up. How silly of me, but it's a pity. I say these things not to get under your skin but under the skin of the ideology you and so many others stand so strongly by. I don't feel the tactic of open field warfare should be employed in fighting this enemy. If we used this method against the English in the 1700's, today, you and I would be very pompous and we would be wearing powdered wigs to formal outings. I respect the spiritual beliefs of all religious denominations. I enjoy writing from left to right. I enjoy seeing our women dress scantly. I don't want to see these or others things changed for another's lack of respect for our beliefs. I don’t want to see their disagreement with western culture argued with the taking of life anymore than you. But taking this element to American court house is like yelling at your dog for shitting on the carpet. How much success have you experience when you’ve decided that screaming at doggie was warranted? Sure, you were able to vent but the stupid fuck shit on the carpet again. Making an example of this pond scum in a court house is as effective as verbally abusing man's best friend. The ASCPA and other animal rights groups would be satisfied but your home will stink like shit and the stains in your carpet will deepen and spread. But kick your dog in the ass a couple of times and I guarantee your results will improve. Pavlov was a reasonably sharp guy and his lessons can be of great value in dealing with more than just the canine species.

In a recent conversation you enlightened me with regards pragmatism. Don’t you think this county and our beliefs are worth the deployment of this way of thinking? We are fighting an ideology. The only way to prevail is to adjust ours. Being righteous is cool but useless if you’re dead.
This morning I herd on the news that the prosecution is working on building a case against this guy. Let's help him out here. 300 passengers were on the plane. A lot of these folks witnessed the crime as it was in progress. DNA is being collected? Give me a fucking break. He who lives by the microscope is going to die because of the microscope. Stop looking through that little fucking eyepiece. The view from the naked eye at times is pretty good. The guy’s legs were burned as well as the American citizen who intervened. He had explosives strapped to his legs. The accused chose a seat above the fuel tanks and an area of the plane where the skin is thin.
This attempted bombing was well planned. His own father turned information in to our government regarding his beliefs and his possible ties to Al Qaeda and Yemen. A couple of snapshots, some eyewitness testimony and we can start tying a knot. The rest of this shit is all just a show. It should all be page 6 news but it has turned into a show of weakness that we aren’t willing to do ALL that is necessary to defend what we all hold sacred. Why the Attorney General for the United States is involved with military matters is beyond me. He's a well dressed pussy and who ever is pulling his strings is an ass.
And now I hear that a second person, Nigerian, found locked in the plane's bathroom, has also been taken into custody. We should probably be nice to him too, I guess.
- Metal Guru

- and a brief analysis:

Dear Guru,

Well, guess we have about 549,999 remaining.
Impeccable mathmatics. Except for the guy in the bathroom which makes it 549,998

I do hope they treat this guy real nice while we continue searching for his buddies.
I am aware that any “treatment” shy of “death by a thousand cuts” will not satisfy your desire for speedy justice on the dime. Sit tight and let the Constitution breathe a bit.

And what of the "hero" passenger that foiled the attempt? He'll probably be sued in civil court for attacking this citizen of the world and he’ll lose.
Now you’re just being silly . . .

I say American justice for American citizens. HEAR, HEAR! Punishment for all others can be found in the Old Testament, and dump the due process, please.
What about the Preamble to the Constitution? How can America Dump “due process” and still be America? Reminds me of Rodger Waters traveling as Pink Floyd . . . without Mason, Wright and the other guy.

Remember, they are not American citizens and have nothing more than the utmost disrespect for you, me, and this wonderful country in which we were born and raised. This douche bag tried to blow up a plane so put him in an old plane and blow it up. The passengers are already lined up at the gates of Gitmo, International.
Great P.R. move! Why not simply provide free airfare to Yemen? This country raised me to believe in a little thing called “chex and balances” . . (and its not just a breakfast cereal anymore !) My feelings about Gitmo are available for leisure time reading on the blog, (ref.: Jeffreygiov.blogspot.com . . . . see September: Camp Iguana Redux)

Get real you say? I know this guy won't be blown up. How silly of me, but it's a pity. I say these things not to get under your skin but under the skin of the ideology you and so many others stand so strongly by.
If you are referring to the “ideology” of resolving to uncover the “root cause” of an issue, it behooves me to point out that you (and the ideology you share with so many others) always seem to be somewhere in the thick of it. Think of me, simply vacuuming the room while you sit on the couch complaining of having to lift your feet . . .

I don't feel the tactic of open field warfare should be employed in fighting this enemy. If we used this method against the English in the 1700's, today, you and I would be very pompous and we would be wearing powdered wigs to formal outings.
I lament all of your untapped strategic potential. Herein lies the second greatest waste of talent since Tiger hung up his clubs.
The tactic of King George failed because he underestimated the impact of British investment in the creation of a sovereign nation. Al Qaeda just wants our presence out of the picture. They don’t even want a cool flag. . . . besides, you and I are pompous!

I respect the spiritual beliefs of all religious denominations.
What does this even mean ? ! ? A conversation exploring this one sentence, especially within the context of some remarks you’ve made in this single letter, would be worthy of its own blog . . .

I enjoy writing from left to right. I enjoy seeing our women dress scantly. I don't want to see these or others things changed for another's lack of respect for our beliefs. I don’t want to see their disagreement with western culture argued with the taking of life anymore than you.
“He who ignores the lessons of history is doomed to repeat it”. Look for it all you want, but you won’t find Big Ben or one stitch of the English countryside anywhere in O’Toole’s “Lawrence of Arabia”. We (British, French, Dutch and American big oil companies and the like) brought the love-fest to their neighborhood, NOT the other way around.

But taking this element to American court house is like yelling at your dog for shitting on the carpet.
Interesting metaphor. That makes You “Master” and the depraved terrorists merely “dogs”. I always wondered if my poor old beagle, Bailey, understood her place in our relationship . . .

How much success have you experience when you’ve decided that screaming at doggie was warranted? Sure, you were able to vent but the stupid fuck shit on the carpet again. Making an example of this pond scum in a court house is as effective as verbally abusing man's best friend. The ASCPA and other animal rights groups would be satisfied but your home will stink like shit and the stains in your carpet will deepen and spread. But kick your dog in the ass a couple of times and I guarantee your results will improve.
I can tell you’ve never owned a dog. Trust me. It don’t work this way. I’d back-peddle a bit on that “guarantee”. Reminds me of an Abbott and Costello sketch where they’re trying to unload a vacuum on some lady. It ends with Costello asking for some ketchup to go with his hat. [seems the lady had no electricity in the house for the demo] . . .

Pavlov was a reasonably sharp guy and his lessons can be of great value in dealing with more than just the canine species.
Pavlov never kicked a dog. Come to think of it, I don’t think Pavlov ever kicked an Arab . . .

In a recent conversation you enlightened me with regards pragmatism. Don’t you think this county and our beliefs are worth the deployment of this way of thinking?
You and I are both interested in using our moral compass to make a tough decision easier to swallow. It is the beauty of our inheritance as U.S. citizens, under a Constitution as spectacular as our own, that you and I don’t need to share a compass. This is Pragmatism. Synchronizing our compasses is Philosophy. Compromising on North is Democracy.

We are fighting an ideology.
To some degree, this is true from one American to the next. For example: young kids are suited up and shipped to the other side of the globe to mop up the mess created by large international corporations who swindled the very civilizations who have finally achieved the means to blow up our planes and buildings in retaliation. These business men who hide behind our diplomats, dead soldiers and hijacked civilians then hide their profits overseas. They don’t give a damn about you or me. Sounds too familiar and equally unsettling, no? The only way to prevail is to adjust ours. Being righteous is cool but useless if you’re dead.
You’re confusing tactics with ideology. Many German citizens from the 1930’s and 40’s survived by supporting the Nazi war machine without believing Hitler was sane. I believe a nation of living monsters, scumbags and cowards is worse than a nation who chose to win the war without collapsing under the weight of moral fatigue.

This morning I heard on the news that the prosecution is working on building a case against this guy. Let's help him out here. 300 passengers were on the plane. A lot of these folks witnessed the crime as it was in progress. DNA is being collected? Give me a fucking break. He who lives by the microscope is going to die because of the microscope. Stop looking through that little fucking eyepiece. The view from the naked eye at times is pretty good. The guy’s legs were burned as well as the American citizen who intervened. He had explosives strapped to his legs. The accused chose a seat above the fuel tanks and an area of the plane where the skin is thin.
But they got all that cool shit down at the lab ! ! What the hell are they supposed to do? Let it sit on the shelf? Relax . . . Your witnesses will all get a chance to take a few days off from work to testify. What if this guy’s DNA helps clear up some question from an earlier crime? Thank God they have two guys working the case. This leaves three eyes to look around at the rest of the crime scene.

This attempted bombing was well planned.
Except the tiny detail of finding someone with experience lighting a fucking match !

His own father turned information in to our government regarding his beliefs and his possible ties to Al Qaeda and Yemen. A couple of snapshots, some eyewitness testimony and we can start tying a knot. The rest of this shit is all just a show.
The show is called our Justice System. Sorry it keeps interfering with your lynching. How about you and I go out this weekend, have a few pints and find us an illegal immigrant and taunt him until he hangs himself . . .

It should all be page 6 news but it has turned into a show of weakness that we aren’t willing to do ALL that is necessary to defend what we all hold sacred.
I hold “due process” sacred. This is protected by the Constitution. The United States is an idea, not a zip code. (I think I just heard a great “sigh” from Hawaii) Now I’m repeating myself. Sorry. Why the Attorney General for the United States is involved with military matters is beyond me. He's a well dressed pussy and whoever is pulling his strings is an ass. The Attorney General’s office was used by Alberto Gonzales to justify many military activities which chose to perform in civilian costume. This was the only way to avoid restricting our information gathering techniques to Name, Rank and Serial Number quality. (Sneaky devils, aint we?). I agree with you on one point however. His suits are very nice. Very sharp indeed.

And now I hear that a second person, Nigerian, found locked in the plane's bathroom, has also been taken into custody. We should probably be nice to him too, I guess.
I heard they were still negotiating with him to get out of the bathroom. Where did you hear that he agreed to wipe up and pull up his trousers?
I simply have to get out more.

Prof. H W


- and Mr. Metal Guru responded with:

Prof. H.Wind
Some points I'll bow too. As always, when I quick draw, I inevitably hit an innocent bystander. Other points we’ll "discuss" for the rest of our days. I imagine the two of us at sea. With an emergency at hand, you’d be found on poop deck spouting maritime law and regulations to disenchanted passengers. And I, in the wheel house screaming at the Captain for hitting that fucking iceberg. Either way, we wouldn't make Chelsea Pier.
I'm eagerly waiting to see the disposal of the very element that despises our constitution and all it stands for by the flow chart outlined within its binder. So many laws were broken in handling the Gitmo detainees that our judicial system could in theory allow these scumbags their freedom. Here's what's troubling. This possibility was brought to the attention of Attorney General Eric Holder. He indicated it wouldn’t happen but if so we would still hold them as enemy combatants.
So in essence, we allow enemies of this country the rights provided to Americans for a fair trial. If things don't go in our favor we just detain them anyway. There's a lot of righteousness at stake. That's what this is all about, right? “You’ve been found not guilty but we're going to throw you in jail for life, regardless". I fail to see anything righteous with this charade and it sounds like another black eye for the USA.
With a system like this, OJ shouldn’t have walked, although he didn’t fall into the parameters of an enemy combatant. But if we were to have applied the same thinking, I’m sure something could have been written quickly to detain him. He allegedly killed citizens of the United States. That’s not much different that what Al Qaeda wants. The phrase enemy combatant with regard to definition has been danced around since 9/11. I urge you to become confused with the newest rendition of the definition at the following site:
I think we’re only fooling ourselves by redefining words and phrases so we can say we’ve remained on the side of righteousness. Global sentiment wouldn’t be any more favorable with “we’ll hold him anyway’ then with our current policies. Sweeping any resolution to the misdeeds of yesterday behind the protection of the constitution doesn’t secure justification. Changing direction to a suit and tie approach at the 11th hour is only allowing for borrowed time that our foes will exploit. We’ve called for a “time out” by extending our hand but their ordinance has already released in the form hatred and is being delivered by their clenched fists.
The past actions of this country have opened Pandora’s Box. If you honestly believe we’ll be able to close it with some hand shaking and the backing of our court houses, you better get home before midnight or your coach will turn back into a pumpkin. If the goal is to remain honorable in the face of adversity, that’s very nice. I, however, would prefer an offensive defense and without prejudice. We try, convict, and imprison criminals not only as punishment for their wicked deeds but to deter other from continuing in there evil ways. These lunatics won’t flinch with this tactic and the physical damage that an “Al Qaeda” can unleash grows exponentially. We need to hold up more than a bible and the American Flag to distance their eagerness to cause harm from our shores.
I may be softening my views but I’m easily confused with much of this issue. Although I continue to search for the ideal scenario, I would feel a hell of a lot safer if we could replace Eric Holder with George Patton.
and another brief (point by point) analysis:

Some points I'll bow to.

This is entirely unnecessary. . . . Unless you were just shooting from the hip with a nautical pun.

As always, when I quick draw, I inevitably hit an innocent bystander.
The deck is awash with the blood of these innocent, collateral victims. Every American deserves to wake each morning knowing the law of the land survived the night. It is with full knowledge and respect of your contempt for microscopes that I nonetheless urge you to slip into an Optician’s shop and be fitted for a pair of glasses.

Other points we’ll "discuss" for the rest of our days. I imagine the two of us at sea. With an emergency at hand, you’d be found on poop deck spouting maritime law and regulations to disenchanted passengers. And I, in the wheel house screaming at the Captain for hitting that fucking iceberg.
The analogy is perfect with one exception. I am using Maritime law to prevent you from hoisting a captured Terrorist over the rail and into the briny deep without a trial. Maritime law holds no jurisdiction over stray ice. The image of you in the wheelhouse however, seems consistent enough.
Either way, we wouldn't make Chelsea Pier.

No ship with a tear in her hull would make it without assistance. The question here is whether or not the prisoner would survive, given his right under the law, to meet his fate in court.

I'm eagerly waiting to see the disposal of the very element that despises our constitution and all it stands for by the flow chart outlined within its binder.
Translation: I can’t wait to destroy Al Qaeda because it despises our Constitution.
I couldn’t agree with you more. It is the Mona Lisa of the world’s governments; each line placed in exact balance to its neighbor, creating a scaffold of “checks and balances” that liberate our freedoms while bracing our vulnerabilities. Whoever would destroy this set of principles destroys our nation. To remove a single brace for one isolated convenience (say, ignore “due process”) would cause the scaffold to fall. Al Qaeda knows this and will destroy our country as much in this manner as a hundred planes into a hundred buildings. I’m simply not going to watch this happen with my mouth shut.

So many laws were broken in handling the Gitmo detainees that our judicial system could in theory allow these scumbags their freedom. Here's what's troubling. This possibility was brought to the attention of Attorney General Eric Holder. He indicated it wouldn’t happen but if so we would still hold them as enemy combatants.
How do you interrogate prisoners from an unconventional war? Alberto Gonzales threaded this needle with a jack hammer. We wanted more than name, rank and serial number so Geneva was out. We needed to hold them indefinitely and force them to incriminate themselves, so Miranda was out. So we create a third category of prisoner: the “enemy combatant”. By this date, even those wretched souls picked up or sold to the US army without the slightest crime on their file, have learned enough to make them valuable informants or dangerous targets upon release. These are the “white hair” decisions each president is expected to make during his time in the oval office. Who could have guessed that such a mess would have been left by one Administration for the next? Seems almost “un-American”, don’t it? Nevertheless, with the clock ticking and the media asking questions, all that has been resolved it seems is a concrete list of reasons that these prisoners are too dangerous to house somewhere between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. Add the fact that Fox news announced that Barak Obama is African American, and what was a Puzzle becomes a time bomb.

So in essence, we allow enemies of this country the rights provided to Americans for a fair trial. If things don't go in our favor we just detain them anyway. There's a lot of righteousness at stake. That's what this is all about, right? “You’ve been found not guilty but we're going to throw you in jail for life, regardless". I fail to see anything righteous with this charade and it sounds like another black eye for the USA.
Ask Richard Reid (the “shoe Bomber”) if the system worked for him. He was found guilty and is enjoying his wonderful accommodations a few hundred feet underground, somewhere closer to the center of the earth than the Colorado landscape above him. That is the life he worked so hard to achieve. And no American has Al Qaeda-style blood on their hands.

With a system like this, OJ shouldn’t have walked, although he didn’t fall into the parameters of an enemy combatant. But if we were to have applied the same thinking, I’m sure something could have been written quickly to detain him.
These are the times, Mr. Metal Guru, that you make my case for me. Am I finally getting through . . . or is this merely irony? How sinister the law becomes when you bend the first brace; just remember the scaffold above.

He allegedly killed citizens of the United States. That’s not much different than what Al Qaeda wants.
He also made many Americans smile as a sports hero. That’s not much different than what sports hero Derek Jeter does. This is simply flawed association. It is the sum ideology that is at focus here and not an isolated behavior. It is the ease with which the undisciplined argument slides from focused to hazy that sidetracks honest discussion. Just watch Fox News to see this technique brought to an art form.

The phrase enemy combatant with regard to definition has been danced around since 9/11. I urge you to become confused with the newest rendition of the definition at the following site: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enemy_combatant
I think we’re only fooling ourselves by redefining words and phrases so we can say we’ve remained on the side of righteousness. Global sentiment wouldn’t be any more favorable with “we’ll hold him anyway’ then with our current policies.
I think I can go with you part way here. Changing the sign on the elephant’s cage does not make him a monkey.
- John Brown was charged with Treason and Insurrection for the attack at Harper’s Ferry, (“terrorism” as a moniker not on the radar yet)
- Sept. 16, 1920: Wall Street Bombing, 38 dead, 400 injured. Called an anarchist attack by the Galleanists (Italian Anarchists). (nope, still not “terrorism”)
- The Weathermen: Simply known as “American radical left organization”

Every one of these events would be labeled as “Terrorist” by the standards of legal and media protocol today. “Unlawful or Enemy Combatant” was a separate designation coined to slide our legal ass through the tight diplomatic channel I mentioned above. This is the story of our language.

In England they call sausages “bangers”. Still tastes like sausage to me. Our discussion is about an idea. If the current label or word, applied to an offensive action is placed on another, dissociated action for the sly purpose of creating an association where none exists, then it should be exposed as such and the charade ended. This is the case of our overuse of “terrorism” by the media and politicians to excite fear and cooperation from a society, half informed and battle hungry.

Sweeping any resolution to the misdeeds of yesterday behind the protection of the constitution doesn’t secure justification.
Hear, hear! But . . .
It was never my purpose to confuse the term “misdeed” with any implied morality; and for shame as it would have added a specific sexiness to your statement. Assuming that a Democracy can, by popular vote, apply equal legal protection under the system of justice for “immoral” activities, (I.e.: abortion, capital punishment)then “protection under the Constitution” not only secures, but is the very definition of “justification”. (Please read my essay: the Freedom of Speech)

Changing direction to a suit and Kevlar tie approach at the 11th hour is only allowing for borrowed time that our foes will exploit. We’ve called for a “time out” by extending our hand but their ordinance has already been released in the form hatred and is being delivered by their clenched fists.
This is the most compelling sentence in the entire letter. I perceive the situation to resemble an American call for sanity after a long lost Frat house weekend of binge drinking. Those parts of our war effort that shocked and disgusted the world, which can be immediately corrected, are being corrected. The acknowledgement of other areas which need correction but pose challenges to our national security are under study for correction. This is the area which you refer to as a “time out”.

The Obama administration has never offered al Qaeda clemency of any kind. The efforts have instead been focused on bringing a sense of world class justice to this war. These changes have been directed at our allies and our own, increasingly partisan citizens; they are in no way designed to soften our stance with the terrorists. If some al Qaeda operative accidentally arrives to an authorized Federal Penitentiary to begin serving his life sentence without the mysterious and unauthorized scars or contusions you appear to relish, accept my dog-eared copy of the United States Constitution as a token of friendship, but don’t wait for an apology

The past actions of this country have opened Pandora’s Box. If you honestly believe we’ll be able to close it with some hand shaking and the backing of our court houses, you better get home before midnight or your coach will turn back into a pumpkin.
It troubles me more when my own countrymen begin tearing into each other over ideology than when the same conflict is the result of foreign savagery. This attitude toward the global threat of terrorism has as much and as little to do with al Qaeda as it has to do with the rift between conservative and liberal sensibilities which have controlled the nations conscience since the days of Hamilton vs. Jefferson.

Rush and Fox care far less about securing the rights of citizens than securing the rights against non-citizens. On the other hand, Maureen Dowd(NY Times) and Keith Olberman seem to have lost their edge since Bush has gone and the Democrats gained the Congress and Presidency.

Al Qaeda is simply the latest excuse for Americans to stretch our necks out of the car window to scream how little our spouse truly understands us.
Yes we can end this whole thing tomorrow. Close the borders, airports and harbors; kill all “detainees” everywhere. Tell all U.S. citizens currently abroad that they are on their own. Isolate all non-citizens in the Nation and send them packing. Fuck everyone but us. Al Qaeda can now go back to farming or textile weaving or something. I’ll bet over thirty percent of the country would support this.

But over thirty percent of the country would not support this. You cannot edit the rules when it is simply more convenient to do so, they will tell you. The rules, these folk would insist, are exactly what makes us a Nation. Break the rules and we no longer have an identity to defend.

And now, my pumpkin: the honest, ugly truth uniting both perspectives is our freakish size as a nation. The war-hungry conservatives are delirious with our current military might and find it beneath us to make the smallest concession. We can “go this thing alone”; we answer to no one. Case closed, (and on the dime).

To the more wary, peace-at-all-cost liberal, our size is a call to modesty. With the dollar losing ground and the Chinese industrial influence on the rise, our world wide reputation will soon account for more than our checkbook. If you honestly think this issue can be closed without some hand shaking and transparent court room ethics, they have a 1975 Chevy Vega for you.

If the goal is to remain honorable in the face of adversity, that’s very nice. I, however, would prefer an offensive defense and without prejudice. We try, convict, and imprison criminals not only as punishment for their wicked deeds but to deter other from continuing in their evil ways.
This has never worked. The death penalty for example, has shown no influence over the frequency of violent crime. Harsh sentences have been proven more effective in providing victims with healing through some proxy-revenge than deterrence through negative example.

These lunatics won’t flinch with this tactic and the physical damage that an “Al Qaeda” can unleash grows exponentially.
Yes. I see your point. In eight years al Qaeda has advanced from planting a bomb in some lunatic’s shoes to stuffing it in his underwear. Perhaps our single stumbling block has been operating like fucking cowboy idiots without inter-national cooperation.

We need to hold up more than a bible and the American Flag to distance their eagerness to cause harm from our shores.
Our “shores” are nothing more than a line on a map without our Flag and the Constitution behind it. The Bible only confuses the issue.

I may be softening my views but I’m easily confused with much of this issue. Although I continue to search for the ideal scenario, I would feel a hell of a lot safer if we could replace Eric Holder with George Patton.
We’re all confused. How could anyone hate us??? We’re so great and excellent. All we’ve ever done was use our friends, abuse the third world and fix everything through the IMF. Thank God my T.V. dinner is finally ready . . . Gotta go !

Prof Hot Wind

P.S.: Patton would certainly end the guessing, that’s for certain.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

et tu Yemen?

Dear Prof. HW

HONOLULU – An al-Qaida affiliate in Yemen apparently ordered the Christmas Day plot against a U.S. airliner, training and arming the 23-year-old Nigerian man accused in the failed bombing, President Barack Obama said Saturday.

"This is not the first time this group has targeted us," Obama said, reporting on some of the findings of an administration review into how intelligence agencies failed to prevent Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab from boarding Detroit-bound Northwest Flight 253.
In his most direct public language to date, Obama described the path through Yemen of Abdulmutallab.

He also emphasized that the United States would continue its partnerships with friendly countries — citing Yemen, in particular — to fight terrorists and extremist groups.

- comment -

Yemen is friendly? This is wonderful to hear! Thank God the press was available to bring this breaking news to our attention. I feel better already. I mean, I had no idea where we stood on this. Did you?

- the Party Planner

Dear Party Planner-

We have a naval base in Yemen. I guess its just diplomatic to refer to them as our friends. The government of Yemen cooperates with us; they receive millions of dollars annually from us, (to fight al Qaeda). A large percentage of the Yemeni population do not agree with another large percentage of the population about this "friendship" thing. Some people have organized into a gentleman's club called Al Qaeda . . . these gents operate with a power and autonomy independent of the Yemeni government. They, al Qaeda, happen to be a major thorn in the side of Yemen's best efforts to rise from the diplomatic snake pit into which they have fallen.

This is part of the reason I find "gut-feeling" or impulsive diplomacy so tiring. It simply sets the stage for endless conflict.
Obama should speak ill of everyone in the region. I get it already.

Haven't we tried this for eight years under the previous administration? How well have these tactics woked in the past? You remind me repeatedly of the diagnosis of an individual repeating the same behavior expecting different results. Total annihilation of everyone who looks different from us, who hates us, who threaten and successfully kill us, who worship a god that instructs them to kill us. . . as frustrating as you find it, the concept of a total and successful annihilation of these people is not an option. Think about them as a tumor whose surgical removal will destroy the patient. If I were the oncologist in this scenario i would seek to cut off its nutritional supply;
- starve it of money,
- turn the tide of the people away from desperation caused by poor health and unavailable education, the very diseases of the mind that al Qaeda exploits
- foster a willingness to bring international business interests into the region.
- encourage these people to want to join a healthy economy without selling out their souls.

Al Qaeda can and will be out-maneauvered, but not without such work. Its called winning the "Hearts and Minds" of the people.

This of course requires a military dimension, an Intelligence dimension and a pedestrian or soft-target Security dimension, like airport screening and seaport security, (as usual, those rascally conservatives need to be watched carefully here, as I firmly believe unwarranted spying on United States civilians is an illegal and dangerous precedent. Bug the "visitors" all you want, but leave Me the fuck alone!If you are a civilian and you happen to be on the phone with a non-civilian, keep in mind that your conversation might be legally tapped.) I am also not suggesting these areas of the war are obsolete. I'm just sick and tired of the thick headed loud mouthes and their talk radio Chicken Hawks who dismantle every effort to sow the seeds of future harmony with their John Wayne, WWII, "America is above reproach", give that Boy a uniform and a gun and let me get back to my WWF Cage Match, Drop The Bomb answer to areas of crisis far beyond the intellectual rat-hole of their stalled, college-fratboy interpretation of a planet simply too complex for them.

The heros of WWII were greeted as "liberators". This was a diplomatic advantage of incalculable proportions: The soldier as ambassador. Evidence of prisoner brutality by the Axis forces didn't hurt when contrasted to our sterling example of "good egg" hospitality. We rebuilt schools and municipal buildings; helped recover stolen and misplaced works of art and other cultural significance. This was simply a different set of circumstances which precluded the need for today's transparent effort to double step our way onto their Christmas card list.

The chance might well have been there were it not for Bush's one, simple oversight: After "Shock and Awe" we should have remembered to have a "Sweep and Dust" plan. Looters raped the very museums which held treasures from the Cradle of Civilization. No resources were allocated to the rebuilding of Police Stations and Schools and Fire Houses (the backbone of any community) because he had no Policemen, no firemen and no teachers. When money was finally found to hire Haliburton civilians in to do the job of construction and Blackwater for security, (yes, civilian contractors to provide "security" in a war zone . . ?), it simply meant that less money was available to supply the actual Army soldier with a bullet proof vest and a battle ready Humvee.

Just for the record, Haliburton pulled out of Iraq cashing their last check in 2007. They were paid in full for services less than 50% fullfilled. Blackwater . . . . just forget Blackwater or whatever name they hide behind today. Talk about "cut and run" ! !

Yes Hoop, I believe we need to plan for a post-war relationship with our current enemies. A good step towards that future is tilling the fields today. Libya's government is unfriendly to the U.S. They bombed a plane right out of the sky and laughed in our face. Their leader is a monster. We reserve the right to pick and choose our friends. Qhadaffi is not our friend. Apparently some chap named Ali Abdullah Saleh is on better terms with us. Lets have him and his lovely wife over for some cake and conversation sometime, ok with you?

- Prof. Hot Wind

P.S. Timothy McVeigh was born in New York, spent time in Arizona (where he and others hatched their plan to blow up a building in Oklahoma), and also visited Mississippi at some point to gather intel. At this time I believe the United States maintains close diplomatic ties with these regions. Will advise of any updates.

- followed by this reply-

Hot Wind,

The only reason I send this shit to you is out of frustration. I didn't agree on how the Bush administration handled the terrorist issue and I'm not too thrilled with the Obama clan's plan either. The bully approach was useless. The suit and kevlar tie approach will prove to be useless as well.

The United States' ground war involvement in WW2 was roughly 5 years. We had to reduce a good portion of Europe to rubble to get rid of the Nazi threat. We fucked up a reasonable amount of property in the Pacific, including the deployment of two nuclear devices, to get the Japanese out of our asses. We've been fucking around with this Iraq/Afghanistan thing for 18 years. That's a little less than 1/3 of my life. Enough.

First off, we need a President of the United States. I'm tired of the globe trotting. The office was always predominately here for us. Now we have to make a fucking appointment. My shallow side doesn't give a shit about what goes on outside our borders and won't until some internal issues have been resolved first.

The John Wayne approach you say? At best what we currently have is a John Wayne lite approach. You say it's difficult because were not greeted as liberators. Then we absolutely have no fucking business being there. If you knew you weren't welcome somewhere, how long would you hang around?

Oh, this is complicated? Uncomplicate it rudely and immediately. We should pack our army toys up and leave. I don't see a level of cooperation from our overseas buddies that's worth my tax contribution or my concern. And whether we're directly involved with the hunt for these animals or not, we still have to look over our shoulders so best do it from here. And yes, I called them animals. They're no better than the scum that murdered the 6 million Jews we recently spoke about.

Our threats are worthless. The "better stop or else" thing is embarrassing. Our field annalists wanted 40K troops in reinforcements. We should have sent 80K and not over 9 fucking months. If we're going to commit, let's roll up the sleeves of this effort and give it everything. If not, fuck it. I would demand a greater involvement from everyone who is currently pussy footing around their commitment otherwise, they're on their own when the shit hits the fan. No more threats. No more media coverage. If we are attacked, take action and without CNN. What ever country is hosting enemies of the United States will be held accountable for the lack of doing their part in eliminating the common threat.

I'm sorry but World Peace is something that Miss America prays for to impress the judges. World Peace would be wonderful but let's get real and put an end to this shit.

yours truly,
Party Planner

copyright Jeffrey Owen Thomas 2010

Friday, January 1, 2010

The Freedom of Speech

"but if you want money for people with minds that hate, all I can tell you is brother you have to wait . . . " John Lennon

Dear HotWings,

I read an article on a website belonging to News 3 of Las Vegas. The story was about a teacher at a Las Vegas high school. While in the presence of her students she said the holocaust never happened. She also elaborated on why she has this belief. So, blah, blah, blah, a cry from the public has surfaced to have this teacher fired. I was happy to see a link at the conclusion of the article where I could post a comment. Participants were greeted with, “We welcome your participation in our community. Please keep your comments civil and to the point”. I was looking for your opinion. Do you believe I’ve followed the rules. The following is the comment I submitted:

“So unfortunate that people tend to forget about the Freedom of Speech. It's equally unfortunate when people act irresponsibily when exercising this Freedom. When a teacher can't speak responsibly, ignorance and stupidity are at work. This is truly a shame. But, the firing of this teacher shouldn't be mandated because someone is upset over this incident. The Freedom of Speech is a beautiful thing”.

I’m looking forward to your assessment.

- Let 'er Speak

Dear Let 'er,

The freedom of speech is not without sensible jurisdiction. Think "Fire" in a crowded theater, or the public disclosure of sensitive information on national security. Imagine an American President claiming that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction, knowing full well that he could not prove it; or worse, the claim was unlikely. Now imagine your own child failing an important exam as a consequence of wrong information he accurately recalled from the teacher's council. Now consider the possibility that his teacher used her position to undermine your child's chances on the exam for reasons that some might claim were protected by her freedom of speech. I could imagine a single opening at a prestigious university which the teacher held in preference for a competing student.

Now replace this motive with a political agenda, like saluting the flag while reciting the Pledge of Allegiance. Or perhaps learning about our young nation's obsession with its Manifest Destiny; the sanitizing of our treatment of the Native American in the process. How about the reluctant humility with which we recount our days of slave trading and the deafening silence on the subject of compensation to the families of these victims. I could go on. This essay will not simply discuss the legal parameters of Ms. Sublette‘s right to express her incendiary opinion of the Holocaust in the classroom of a public high school, but rather examine the situation to refine a common consensus on why decisions about the law might be upheld, independent of a balanced sense of moral, logical or civic accountability.

We have a responsibility to view these issues in the context of our imperfect contract as a community, if for no other reason than to validate the coordinates of the line we oblige our soldiers, law officers and politicians to hold. If we send our kids into action in Iraq, you'll want to know that we really needed the oil back home. We salute the flag as a five year old because our government needs to know that the principle of individual sacrifice for the Nation, trumping loyalty to family, is instilled before the child's mind can wrestle with its more unreasonable implications. In most discussions on group or congregational psychology this would be referred to as “indoctrination”. To salute the flag and recite the pledge is a display of patriotism and serves to reaffirm our place in a safe, functional community. Refusing to salute the flag and recite the pledge, although an individual's right or privilege exposes both an irony in the protection he enjoys, while coincidentally alienating him to suffer the derision of the remaining community. I want to focus on the consequences of populist influence when examining the opinion expressed, of a teacher's persecution by her community; the confrontation between laws and popular sentiment.

The laws exist to insure our society against the imperfections of its citizens, the premium being the restriction from absolute free will. In a republic, the laws are both established and periodically reviewed by a pyramidal consensus; that is to say that “We the Public” gather on Election Day to elect an elite handful of representatives who then decide which issues become the subjects of debate by a network of committees and councils whose influence and power is inversely proportionate to the size of its staff. The broader the influences of the decision, the fewer officials are tasked to consider it. It is the struggle for control of the law between the Federal and State/local governments that agitates the ambiguities in the pure logical framework over which the system is stretched.

I propose that it would be correct to describe myself as both an American and a New Yorker. It is my intention to emphasize to the reader that I recognize no redundancy in this. New York is a fine example of one region of American citizens whose majority opinion on many issues remains at odds with those of both our fellow states and the nation as a whole. Issues such as the death penalty, abortion, car insurance and gay rights serve to illustrate my point. As an American, I am a member of a society which sent soldiers into Iraq. From the first moment I recited the Pledge, I accepted my role in a contract with my neighbors which required my compensation of the afore-mentioned premium each day and on time: in this case I would support the American Servicemen and women involved with the campaign while using my modest influence, my First Amendment right to speak freely, to end the war through writings, conversations and the voting booth. I am not in a position at this time to offer the anti-war effort more. This then, places the consequences of a failure to rally enough of my fellow Americans to effectively oppose the war directly on my shoulders.

The image of America by the end of the first decade of the twenty-first century became one of arrogance and clandestine tyranny throughout the world. To our allies we simply succumbed to a fevered paranoia through a sense of rage at the terrorist success on September 11th and our own impotent might. We stated our disregard for the Geneva Articles on a world stage, undermining the single most influential text on the subject which we, ironically, were instrumental in drafting. As a nation, we operated a campaign of aggression into a sovereign nation (granted, a nation ruled by a despotic lunatic and his creepy family) with an increasingly unilateral mission statement. Disagreement with this mission resulted more readily in alienation than dialogue; thus we expressed an unwillingness to cooperate with our allies to an unparalleled degree.

To our enemies, we simply reinforced a caricature of “the Great Satan”, by our interrogation techniques, our extraordinary renditions, our incident at Abu Ghraib, with world condemnation and weak domestic support, all which helped the recruitment of fresh, young jihadists immeasurably.

My continuing denial of "America's" justification for this aggression changes nothing with respect to the actions of my country and the disgust of the rest of the world. However, my "free speech rights" allowed me to help change the tide over the past eight years. By speaking out against our behavior in the Middle East, bonds among my New York neighbors were created and broken at a rate more favorable to those in my community opposed to the war. Hence the establishment of a growing "Blue" voice in a time of a "Red" administration. New York's voice against the war eventually out-paced the incumbent Red majority and joined with similar sentiments gathering force in other states to win the majority voice in the 2008 Presidential election. The face of America is slowly beginning to regain its former, multi-lateral sophistication and intelligence.

We are likewise a country of increasingly diverse racial and ethnic complexity where you will still find a majority of American communities utilizing a social structure founded over a few centuries and many generations ago by powerful western European traditionalists. Our laws, our economic structure, public school system and in some cases the faith in Jesus Christ, are all staunch examples of specific, essential tools variously adopted and employed by a broad spectrum of the nation's ethnically diverse communities, while maintaining a fixed philosophical core. We live our life in a community as unique from our distinct individuality as the neighboring town’s collective identity is from our own. Multiply the degree to which this phenomenon might divide two small fractions of a society, in a nation as enormous as our own and the question which began this dialogue becomes less about a common sense of moral or legal purpose, overshadowed instead by the miracle of any remaining consensus of purpose at all.

The issue of United States compensation for the Native Americans for example has been stalled until fifty years ago by a predominantly white fist on the throttle of Western academia. The telling of America's Manifest Destiny was sanitized up through the nineteen-sixties as much by a vilification of the indigenous opposition as the censorship of our frontier, genocidal wickedness. It was perfectly acceptable by such standards to shoot and distribute Hollywood movies capitalizing on a palliated retelling of events. These films simply provided action footage of the caricature of American integrity as recorded in our public school textbooks. However the conspiracy to whitewash the truth about the adolescence of our nation was as near complete as it was doomed to fail.

The notion of truth among the predominant culture of late eighteenth through late nineteenth century was quite different from the truth we pursue today. Our early curiosity about a democracy based form of capitalism led to the development of ever larger investment and trading institutions which proved an ironic obstacle to the extrapolation of severe future economic penalties and moral debt. These circumstances coincided with the discovery of an "endless" supply of natural resources. The industrialization of our cities permitted an explosion of white babies with European genetics whose destiny lay in providing for a perpetual husbandry of the cycle. The savages who feebly defended their ancestral homelands were a modest inconvenience to efforts of a superior sensibility struggling to achieve the bewitching promise of unlimited potential. However, the sciences of these times did not have the methods or tools to calculate the limitations of the dream. That discovery would have to wait another century. The genocide of the American Indian culture, its religions, its languages, art and so on, was simply accepted as the collateral price of bringing Christ's brand of capitalism to the new Promised Land. As Stalin once mused: one cannot make an omelet without breaking a few eggs.

History is primarily the story of past events as regaled by the victor; leave the facts for the anthropologists. The story of the United States was handed down from one generation of white men to the next. Nothing would ever need to change as long as the fist on the throttle was white and the blood running through it was from our European cousins. The story of the American West as understood by most children from the nineteen fifties and sixties was the same story told to our parents by their grandparents. This fact, supported by television's successful broadcasts of Wild West shoot-'em-ups like The Lone Ranger, Gunsmoke, Bonanza, F-Troop and Davy Crocket establishes quite an impressive provenance. This was not the same conspiracy we were taught by our schools and newspapers and radios to fear, like socialism, communism or Orwell’s 1984 nightmare. Instead, this tale came directly from a charming, wondrous past, where fine, strong white American men were reclaiming Eden from the pagan savages; and where our pioneering women were the resourceful, hard working , church-going hostages of the unscrupulous, barbaric Red-Skin. This was our Freedom of Speech speaking.

The history of the American slave trade is equally disgusting. Our contemporary dialogue on compensation for crimes committed centuries ago is the single most conspicuous vacuum of conversation we actively dismiss. Rather, it is far more effective to reinforce our cultural association of black men with crime and prison, black women with welfare, prostitution and fatherless babies and black children as the future of illegal drugs, more feral babies and violent crime, then to face the insidious mechanics of an economic system created by us, White America, to restrict African American families from every fair chance at opportunity’s dinner table. It is criminal of me to write so little of this issue, but in the context of brevity, I will assume that the topic is understood in context well enough by the reader, admit to my fault and maintain focus on the specific topic.

I've often wondered if our Constitution was written to protect these events or simply allow them. In a Democracy, a lie with enough votes becomes the new, legally sanctioned truth. Either way, I am reminded that our courts insist, upon swearing in, that a witness "speak the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth." This is as surgical as one can come to exposing our society's acknowledgement that an individual's truth is held on a separate plane from our collective sense of what is true and what is not. This fact is of profound importance to any discussion of legal limitations of Constitutional rights. Our Laws after all, are never more perfect than our most pragmatic sensibilities, our practical morality; a distinct yet often misunderstood cousin of philosophical ethics. No person who knows that stealing is wrong, would let their child suffer without considering the morality of not stealing. Immanuel Kant(German Philosopher 1724-1804), suggested as much with his Second Formulation of the Categorical Imperative, “Act in such a way that you treat humanity, whether in your own person or in the person of any other, always at the same time as an end and never merely as a means to an end.” This is the logic that confounds our world; this is why our judges, philosophers and clerics must always live on the same street but under separate roofs.

So as our history as a Nation progressed, many immigrants came to fill the labor vacuum created by the success of our explosive industrialization. These were people whose ethnicity was increasingly non-white and non-European. Their cultural diversity and immense numbers soon changed the demographic landscape beyond the threshold of political and economic anonymity, and by the early twentieth century began exercising their own brand of cultural self-esteem. As the ghettos of foreign, impoverished outcasts matured to become the neighborhoods of increasing cultural and economic depth, these concentrated pockets of mutual interest were beginning to consolidate their voices, asking for answers to the discrepancies in the white man's school books. They familiarized themselves with the ways of business and began investing these profits in education. They learned about the laws of the land and its politics. They began to hold political office and positions in banks and businesses. Now, when faced with invisible and unlawful restrictions to opportunity, these men and women were positioned for the first time, as plaintiffs, to hold the mirror of fact up to the face of their pink faced oppressors. Now they were positioned to expose "the man" and his “system” in his own court room and be heard in his newspapers.

I am a white man, born of white parents from Western Europe. Being raised during the period when this Renaissance of the Minority reached critical mass, it is difficult for me to understand the contempt of my contemporaries to the call for equality and affirmative action. Rather, I am exposed daily to hard evidence where individuals from my community, a predominantly caucasian suburb on Long Island, would spend the greater amount of energy and resources preventing the proverbial mirror from telling its tale than improving the system. It is far better to ignore the debt than assume the burden of spiritual austerity required to level the playing field. This effort has simply resulted in a phenomenon where two adjacent towns can coexist, sharing no sense of community, the barest, begrudging cooperation between municipal services and zero cultural exchanges. The Freedom to speak in either town would be understood to mean radically different things based on separate rationalizations of identical events.

I am reminded from my elementary school days back in 1960’s Commack, of the annual celebration of Columbus Day. Here was an occasion to interrupt the regular dull classroom routine with a hallway pageant and an assembly in the cafeteria, which served double duty as an auditorium. Speeches by Grown-ups and high-octane classmates recounted the heroic tale of a brave sailor with a profound vision, battling tremendous odds and triumphantly discovering America so we could have a park with woods to ride our bikes, build our forts and a shopping center to get some soda at. All the pictures in my school books of the landing showed how happy the Indians were to finally be discovered. These were prints of naked savages emerging from the darkness of the dense forest to greet the tall, well dressed sailors in shiny, bullet shaped helmets, with swords and muskets arriving on a ship from the wide expanse of the bright beach and sea. How cool was this?

Commack’s southern border was shared by a small town named Brentwood. Brentwood’s territory began up north at its boundary line with Commack and rolled south along a five mile parcel of Long Island’s flat, featureless midland. Let me remind the reader that Long Island is an island. I’m not talking about vast expanses of land here. This was an area that puzzled me as a kid because it was dull looking . . . very dull. Except when it was quaint and run down. This is the area along Fifth Avenue where all the small fruit stands and gas stations and auto shops and barber shops had signs in Spanish. Sun bleached concrete block shops seemed to sprout like weeds between the harsh factories like Entenmann’s Bakery, with its towering stacks coughing smoke and steam into the vapid sky. Guys would be hanging around in t-shirts and jeans in the middle of the hot summer; guys who looked to be the same age as my father. Why are they dressed like kids and sitting around outside the deli’s, laughing and drinking beer? My father dressed in a white shirt and tie. He went to work every day at the LILCO headquarters in Hicksville. Besides, it’s so hot they should be inside somewhere, drinking in the air conditioning or laying around in a swimming pool. Don’t they know someone with a swimming pool?
These were not “pink people”.

Brentwood was two or three miles from my home, yet somehow it seemed, from the window of my mother’s car, that we were driving through a third world nation. Columbus day in Brentwood was a time to remember the persecution of the Native American tribes; North and South American tribes that is. The people of Brentwood were black and Hispanic. These neighborhoods displayed all the consequences of cultural segregation, high joblessness and anemic buying power. In Brentwood, a tradition of white economic dominance allowed for a low-brow zoning aesthetic, where large factories and clusters of small industrial buildings and warehouses nestled among the tight neighborhoods of low income, multi-family houses. This was the place where low-tech things were made, sorted and distributed, owned by the more successful Americans who chose to keep the industrial landscape out from the viewing distance of their own more exclusive communities just a few miles and many light years away. It was only logical that the unskilled labor necessary to feed the furnaces and dunk the donuts and load the trucks live within walking or bicycle distance, as these jobs didn’t earn enough to by a car, let alone buy the education required to consider achieving the citizenship necessary to come out from the shadows of illegitimacy and drive legally.

Nevertheless, they came, settled, worked and sent for their brothers and cousins and friends. Cheap labor was a profitable resource so the business bosses were delighted. Unskilled jobs were plentiful and the housing was at worst equivalent to the squalor they left behind in El Salvador, Trinidad or Puerto Rico. So another unique community was born. The large majority of the Brentwood population shared more values and traditions amongst themselves, despite their diversity, than with the larger surrounding communities. It was therefore not considered unusual to maintain the customs and languages from far away homes, practices considered alien and hence inferior by our White society. This failure to assimilate enhanced their status as both separate and stubborn, while as unskilled they became merely “inadequate” and conveniently inferior. The resentment by these recent immigrants of such a lousy, self-perpetuating position eventually expressed itself in a simmering rage; the rise of imported gang activity and drugs moved into the vacuum of hope to empower a formerly invisible caste of “illegals and undesirables.

Christopher Columbus is a powerful icon of the Western European tyranny they feel each and every day as underpaid, under-educated, under-skilled, unemployed “brown-skinned”, Spanish speaking, unwelcome “guests” in the White man’s living room. I would hazard a guess that there is considerable animosity among the Brentwood population associated with the holiday. The right to express one’s outrage of such a symbol of exploitation and genocide by the ancestors of the original victims is assured by the First Amendment. But what about the hypothetical aggression of this same community towards a white man from another, non-Hispanic town, who dressed like Christopher Columbus and marched down Fifth Avenue on this October holiday?

I am aware that one’s right to throw a punch ends where another man’s nose begins, but in the context of an employment of the truth, it could be suggested, by an examination of the extenuating circumstances, that the victim in this case is the community and not the individual. The law is simply a formality of that distinction; a formality of consensus. What could resolve an issue in Brentwood might create an uproar in Commack. The concept of justice is never to be resolved among the Nation’s communities along strict federal lines of jurisdiction, yet the door to depravity remains unguarded without it. This is the quandary of the First Amendment.

I would further add that any suggestion that I dress like Christopher Columbus and attempt to march down Fifth Avenue in Brentwood is a waste of time. I would consider it disrespectful and incendiary.
Considering our conjectured free-for-all is eventually resolved by a police citation for both parties to appear in court, I can only assume that the case would be held against some standard of existing ruling from the vast record of precedent. Failing to provide a suitable match, our case becomes a formalized debate on the finer details of our Freedom of Speech. (It would be of equivalent interest to me how the police decided the roles of defendant and plaintiff.)

Either way, our common bond as a larger community under the First Amendment is hauled before a judge because another ambiguous portal of depravity was breached by a single citizen’s choice to exercise his insensitivity inside the gray, valance band of the Maxim. It is my comfort and conviction that these ambiguities in the law exist to allow our differences room to breathe; for our individual ears to hear the distant drum beats of our own uniqueness. And every time a Judge is called upon to settle such disparity, a small piece of our individuality is neutered, then crystallized into a greater homogonous culture, a ruling which of necessity tolerates fewer and fewer outbursts of expression, further codifying the legislation of simple tolerance and respect. This is too great a loss to my cultural singularity to acquiesce to. Decency is always found under the rubble of the ill-fated temple of best intentions. The irony here seems to suggest that the right to express one’s aggressiveness trumps the right to ignore it. Or is this always true?

I searched for exceptions to the concept of unrestricted speech and found the following eight exceptions on a Web site hosted by the National Endowment of the Arts:

1] Defamation: a publication of a statement of alleged fact which is false and harms the reputation of another person.
2] Causing Panic: Shouting “fire” in a crowded theater, for instance
3] Fighting words: words which by their very utterance inflict injury or tend to incite an immediate breach of the peace.
4] Incitement to Crime: It is a crime to incite someone else to commit a crime.
5] Sedition: The U.S. Supreme Court has upheld statutes which prohibit the advocacy of unlawful conduct against the government or the violent overthrow of the government.
6] Obscenity: U.S. Supreme Court established a three-pronged test for obscenity prohibitions which would NOT violate the First Amendment: a) does Joe Average, with a mind to “community standards”, find a statement/work appealing to erotic interests; b) whether a statement/work depicts in a patently offensive way, sexual conduct specifically defined by State law; and c) whether the statement/work, taken in whole, lacks serious literary, artistic, political or scientific value.
7] Offense: Tossed around by theorists, this states that speech which is merely offensive to others should be an exception to the First Amendment. It failed its first trial in American courts. Please visit the web site for further information.
8] Establishment of Religion: Some speech is restricted because it constitutes the establishment of religion, which is itself prohibited by the First Amendment: “Congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion.”

So it is with this perspective that I visit the question of Lori Sublette, a Gym teacher in Las Vegas, and the issue of her protection under the First Amendment to use such a platform to express her opinions about the holocaust.

I was born into a family that worshipped at an Episcopalian church. I have had no connection with the Christian faith for over thirty-five years, with the single exception of my wedding, for which the Church served as a mere backdrop for the secular romance of a shared literary/traditionalist theme, and made for some fine photo-ops. My views of the Christian church are not hostile and my relationship with my brothers, who remain within its congregation, is loving and healthy. I hold a similar contempt for the persecution of any individual on the singular basis of their spiritual opinions. An outline of my religious inclinations, “Spirituality and Culture in the 21st Century”, is among the essays I have posted, for public scrutiny on this blog: jeffreygiov.blogspot.com.

The holocaust is a reference to the mid-twentieth century campaign by the German Nationalist party, the Nazi Party, to first, blame the economic emaciation of their country on all individuals who did not fit the socio-ethnic framework of the vast white, Germanic majority, and secondly, resulted in the isolation, collection and murder of these individuals. The number of people estimated to have been slaughtered during the Holocaust exceeds six million. The process of such an extensive scheme produced mountains of records and accessory artifacts. These victims are documented variously to include the Jews, the Blacks, the Gypsies and the handicapped. The Jews constitute the overwhelming majority who suffered under this campaign. After the defeat of Germany and Japan in 1945, the surviving Jews, exiled by the devastated villages and cities of the Eurasian world, who were anxiously and resentfully working to recover from the devestation, were forcibly settled in the former homeland of the Palestinian people. The boundaries of this new country, Israel, have been expanded through several wars and occupations. The plight of the displaced Palestinians and the occupation of territories gained by illegal settlements and wars have created an environment of perpetual conflict and animosity, erupting periodically to the resolution of continued Israeli dominance. The line between the Jewish State and the Jewish religion as practiced globally has become the victim of collateral obscurity, hence the social persecution, by association, of Jewish citizens in nations and religious temperment unallied with the nation of Israel and its controversial politics.

The distrust and virulence toward the Jew which predated Nazi Germany for thousands of years is an interesting study in and of itself. No discussion of the incendiary potential of Sublette’s irresponsible and insensitive abuse of authority can ignore the briefest acknowledgement of its influence in the incident. It is, after all, the eight-hundred pound gorilla in the room.

The first people of the Jewish religion presented to the world as a community which regarded no ruler or law as having authority before the Word of their monotheistic creed. The obvious annoyance of the remaining society to this perceived arrogance and nonconformity landed the Jew on a hit list for criminal beliefs resulting in prison, slavery or death. Thus eventually exiled, (not a bad story at that) they broke from this fate to roam the various lands, chased from one fertile region to the next without the propensity to organize the necessary forces to stay, develop and defend a homeland. History unfolds the tale of a culture of “immigrant guests”, emigrating from the wilderness, to establish the ghettos of Europe and Russia’s urban concentrations. With neither the physical or social means to establish the influence required to rise from the savage, competitive depths of city squalor, the Jewish people drew instead upon the Capitalistic structure of their religion, the first true and modern enterprise of the individual as self reliant; responsible alone before the eyes of his single God for personal success or failure, and applied it to the economic world otherwise consuming them. What these towns and cities welcomed from the Jew was a monomaniacal approach to meticulous form of record keeping; a manner of weaving statistics and predicting events heretofore considered immaterial. With this skill came certain influence and personal, yet modest financial power. The application of these techniques may well have improved their status as skillful businessmen, but at a great price. Debtors, fueled by regret and unregulated interest rates were soon and easily resentful of these marginally welcome “guests” and periodically rose en masse’ to exercise their frustration in violent, mob style outbursts. The Jew was painfully aware that the laws of the city were no place to turn. And so the history of the Jew continued, with subtle variations, with its ups and downs until the philosophy of Herzl and the Great Plan of Adolf Hitler. It is unfortunate for our contemporary society, that vestigial remnants of the less congenial relationship between the Jew and the non-Jew survived the war. This is best evidenced in the denial of the Holocaust and anti-Semitic violence witnessed with alarming frequency in our post World War civilization. Few topics in history are as knotted in social and violent tensions as the story of the Jew’s place in society. Few stories of the Jew’s place in Society are as blatantly obscene and explosive as the programmatic annihilation of six million Jews in mid-twentieth century Europe.

I cannot rationalize one reasonable alternative to the denial of this event outside its capacity to injure the memory and history of the holocaust and the Jew as an individual and the Jewish people as a whole. The sum effect of this claim can neither be understood to provide anything beneficial to a clearer understanding of those times but rather, simply resuscitate the weakly veiled threat that such group-think is alive and well and should be feared some fifty years after the fact; a grisly warning to look often and forever over one's shoulder. Is this speech protected by the First Amendment? As I look at the list of exceptions above, I can see how it might win a debate against any claim that it could, by sheer utterance, cause someone to commit a crime. In the same spirit, I can see how one might argue against someone’s claim of personal harm from such postulations. [Mind you, I would be both proud and anxious to debate the opposing side to both charges of any infringement of their speech.] Our communities set the standards of civil tolerance in our school rooms. The important events in the life of a man named Christopher Columbus have been cherry picked by teachers on both sides of the Commack-Brentwood border, yet both schools draw from the same legitimate resources. The respective teachers simply enhance or omit facts relevant to their ultimate beliefs, and the fallout of the community is left to grade the effort. One can see how two different communities might condone antithetical summaries of the same event. I find it difficult to believe the community in Las Vegas, Nevada would condone the use of their public school rooms to provide the stage for an intimidating teacher to lord her students with a tale of such proven hurtful capacity and factual vacancy. I find it equally amazing that the same community could acquiesce to such impotence of retribution to the same, yet this woman has indeed managed to keep her teaching position without even apologizing.

The lessons are quite clear. The First Amendment is extraordinary, quite powerful for one. I am an artist and a writer. I hold my freedom of expression as sacred. I further believe that it was this very Freedom that exposed the crimes of the previous Administration, for which I am profoundly greatful. I have no axe to grind with free speech. As Voltaire once famously said: "I may disagree to the core of my soul those things you say, but will defend with my life your right to say it." I simply believe an individual's right to use this freedom for results which harm another individual or group may be debated and censured in accordance with my own right to maintain some truth and civility in my world.

The rules by which Sublette was able to worm her way out of termination were available for scrutiny by representatives of the community long before this fiasco. But it would have taken someone equally sleazy to anticipate this travesty and expose the loophole in the contract which allowed her to remain in her predatory position. But that didn’t happen. Perhaps its human nature to assume that these freakish aberrations of the social contract, of mutual respect for cultural cooperation, occur only on the pages of our tabloids and TV screens; that this brand of filth could never come home to us. Thanks to this example, I’m sure we will all lose another small piece of that fragile truth we treasure in an effort to tighten our hold on whatever uniqueness remains in this crazy quilt of the Nation that we still are.

- Prof. HotWind

copyright Jeff Thomas 2010