"A hot winded pacifist" -Victoria Schell Wolf

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Devil is a Zero

Another interesting post from the Bible throng:
(Found on my FaceBook wall the other morning)

Lynda Joan Folk via Kelly L. Hansen:

When you carry a bible . . . the devil gets a headache.

When you open it . . .  he collapses.

When he sees you reading it . . . he faints.
When he sees you living it . . . he flees.

And just when you’re about to re-post this by hitting ‘Share,’
he will try to discourage you.

I just defeated him. ‘Share' this if  you’re in God’s army. 

Clyde McGhee   Simplistic trash! My loving God does not need an army...sad that yours does!!!

Jeff Thomas    "God's Army"? . . . what millennium is this?

Kelly L. Hansen  I'm so sorry you feel that way Clyde McGhee and Jeff Thomas. You can bet (whether you like it or not) you are both going to the top of my prayer list. My Nephew Coulter "Shared" this -- he proudly puts on the armour of God every morning. I thank God for my nephew's understanding of the power of God's WORD against evil.  I share this with you because it is my heartfelt hope you have accepted Jesus Christ as the Son of God and as your personal Savior into your heart so you, too, can enjoy the precious LOVE AND GRACE of the Lord, and AVOID THE HORROR OF HELL. 
I recently read the book 23 Minutes in Hell by Bill Wiese on the New York Best Sellers List. It has me terrified for those who do not know Jesus as their personal savior. I pray God shows me how I can help show more of his precious children, those who are still "sitting on the fence" about Jesus Christ, to PLEASE READ THIS BOOK. I don't want anyone to suffer such a horrific, endless, e-t-e-r-n-i-t-y. Do not avoid reading this book for another day.
23 Minutes In Hell: One Man's Story About What He Saw, Heard, and Felt in that Place of Torment 
"My sincere hope is that this book is the closest you will ever come to  experiencing hell for yourself"--Bill Wiese saw the searing flames of hell, felt total isolation, and experienced the putrid and rotting stench, deafening screams of agony, terrorizing demons, and finally, the strong ha...” 

Clyde McGhee  I was born again when I was 17...found out being born once was just fine. Please devote your prays to someone else. Just so ya know I spent 4 years as a "Religious Studies" major in a successful attempt to understanding these things. Your attempts at educating people should be limited to those who did not read and understand their mortgages agreements and I paid off my house 7 years ago. As I said: Simplistic trash! Keep your army out of my life. 

Jeff Thomas    Interesting thought experiment here:

from Lynda's initial post:  . . .  When he sees you living it (the Bible), he flees
First Premise:   
-  To "flee" suggests that Satan has moved to occupy some separate space.
-  There are, for the purpose of our inquiry, two qualities by which we can classify this new space: occupied or unoccupied.
-  Assuming Satan is a work-a-holic, it would not benefit the discussion to consider the latter quality; which leaves us with a Satan in a new space occupied by fresh prey.
-  This new occupant can also be classified into one of two qualities: of the Faith or not of the Faith.
It can be assumed that it is the vanquished and not the victor who retreats; so the success of Satan's campaign to gain influence and power, will not prove successful through a strategy which enables repetitive retreats: Satan's power is fueled only by contact with the Unfaithful.
ergo:  Satan is only as powerful as the sum total of all "unholy" thoughts and behaviors of "God's" imperfect children.

Now then, "permit" me a second premise:
"When you carry a bible . . .
When you open it . . . "

 - Without hands or arms to hold/open this "Bible", one might deliver equal righteousness upon the Devil in their absence with compassionate thoughts, virtuous speech and charitable behavior.

- Any failure to accept this premise unequivocally, withholds salvation from our handicapped brothers and sisters.   Such failure to extend your "Lord's blessings" to the handicapped is not virtuous . . . (you see where this is going) . . .  So instead, the "Bible" thing you employ here must simply be a metaphor. Fine, we should be able to live with that.

With these two rules established, let's poke around some:

Now if the Devil's power is diminished with each virtuous thought, is it not likely that his muscle is conversely multiplied by the numbers of "God's children" who forsake their father?

- By such reason, would it not be consistent to assume that Satan's power in 1960 was less than half his current level, knowing the World population of 3,000,000,000 people in '60 has exceeded 7 billion today? (assuming, of course, this theology of yours has devised some metrics of his evil, an absence of which draws skepticism to your initial premise . . . but no worries, I'll simply trust you on this.)

- Extrapolating this equation reductio ad absurdum, by turning the clock backward to some abstract moment in history whereby mankind's numbers approach closer to a time before he graced this world; and by collaborating the inverse growth of our human population with the supremacy this Satan derives from it, we are reduced to a Conceptual Theater, where our single, remaining specimen stands isolated in the spotlight:  "God's Child."

- We will have to accept that any further reduction in the population would by association eliminate the Devil altogether, calling into question the forces which aligned to produce him in the first place.)

 -  With Satan's power running now at approximately 1/7,000,000,000th of his contemporary status, I would ask what metrics might be employed to establish the integrity of this solitary child's morality. 
His one dimensional awareness of himself cannot anticipate the broader complexities of inter-personal stress, the catalyst for quantum developments in "character", such as empathy, or lack of empathy; charity, or the absence of it.

-If not the absence or disdain for Charity and Empathy, what alternative root cause could you produce from which all the modern immoralities are descended?

-And who is this Satan, devoid the presence of these malignant forces? 

-  And is it also not my obligation to emphasize that if one could produce a single example where the "Child" exists but the Devil cannot, albeit pulsing at 1/7,000,000,000th of our contemporary "Metric of evil", then by an axiom of multiplication, any equation regarding the Devil cannot be possible,

for if the Devil = 0 when (Child Population) = 1 then:
0 * 1 = 0
1/7,000,000,000 * 0 = 0
0 * 7,000,000,000 = 0

-  At which point in time did your Satan develop enough power to crumble under the weight of this "Bible" of yours?

-  Is it possible to deduce by this reckoning that his very strength is his undoing? And would it not follow logically, by your example, that the best way to kill the Devil would be to reinforce his strength until he self-destructs?

-  Therefore, I think its safe now to come out from your temples and live a good, wholesome and virtuous life without all this ridiculous baggage. Have a blessed day.

Oh, and Kelly, you're a true dear. But please take me off your prayer list. I don't dig the condescension. For all the promise I hold for you and yours, I will never presume to put you on my "People who need to Start letting Reason Rule their Better Natures List." Soldier on my Love . . . but without me.

Kelly L. Hansen  Clyde, I agree, I am not "qualified" to educate anyone on anything. However, Bill Wiese, the author of the book "23 Minutes in Hell" devoted many, many years to religious studies, in his own attempt to "understand these things." I always find it odd when scholars come to such different conclusions. Mr. Wiese is sincere and fascinating. You might find his book quite powerful. In it, Mr. Wiese quotes Chuck Missler (an exceptional scholar with a genius IQ) "The only sure barrier to truth is to assume you already have it." I don't pretend to know absolute truth, I share this because it is my absolute truth. On Facebook, people share what they Love, what is important to them. I'm not trying to offend you or push something on you. You can ignore my posts. It is because I believe in every word of the Bible I post my response to your response to me. In the Bible, Jesus instructs us to share the truth that he is the Son of God, and Savior of the World

Jeff, I've read your post several times. I can tell you are extremely intelligent. I, on the other hand, am not. To be frank, I'm lost at "Premise: Satan is as powerful as the "unholy" thoughts and behaviors of "God's" children." So, would you mind explaining your message in a little less complicated way? I want to understand how you feel. I certainly don't blame you if you don't want to take the time. I thank you for putting so much thought into your response.

Clyde McGhee  If you haven't read the New Testament in Greek before it was so poorly translated (its wisdom obscured) then how can you possibly "believe every word"? It was (I hope we can agree here) written by men! The Bible was written in a figurative mode not lliteral... to believe something that is beyond understanding is foolish..."The peace which passes all understanding..." for instance. People along with truth are always dancing and moving and I am with them...you should consider getting out of the paradigms you are presently encumbered by! I believe what Jeff means in his first premise is that Satan's power IS the "unholy thoughts and behavior of God's children...if you take it from there it may be easier to grasp. 

Kelly L. Hansen   We can agree on the fact that the Bible was written by men. :-] Dr. Gleason L. Archer holds a BD from Princeton and a PhD from Harvard Graduate School, has a full law degree, speaks fifteen languages, among other things. He states "I candidly believe I have been confronted with just about all the biblical difficulties under discussion in theological circles today ... as I have dealt with one apparent discrepancy after another ... My confidence in the trustworthiness of the Scriptures has been repeatedly verified and strengthened by the discovery that almost every problem in Scripture that has been discovered by man, from ancient times until now, has been dealt with in a completely satisfactory manner by the Biblical text itself." pg 90 of "23 Minutes in Hell. Henry M. Morris, PhD "It must be extremely significant that, in view of the great mass of corroborative evidence regarding the
Biblical history of these periods, there exists today not one unquestionable find of archeology that proves the Bible to be in error at any point." pg 91.

Clyde McGhee   Not doubting archeology finds or history but rather the context that surrounded the "New Testament" Did you not read the part about Jesus coming to abolish the law??? Why because the laws of Moses didn't work...My brother, a published Yale Divinity School graduate (MDIV) would not concur with many other "experts" on this or many other related issues. Who cares what the experts say! It is your truth and mine for that matter that count! Have work to do now If time permits I'll check back later. Have a nice day Kelly.

Kelly L. Hansen  Clyde, yes, absolutely. It is our own truth that matters. Thank you for sharing. I hope you have a nice day, as well.
-Jeff, I've just seen your response above. Ouch. I did not intend any disrespect. I understand how you feel based oon what you’ve stated. I’m sorry.

Jennifer Lesson Thomas If your God is benevolent, why does he threaten me with eternal suffering? Also, if all these people reading the Bible weakens the devil, why is there still so much "evil" in the world? 

Jeff Thomas @ Kelly: Thank you for the kind words. No need to apologize. You had no way of knowing my perspective. I believe you meant well.  I am no more intelligent than you or Lynda or Clyde . . . or Jen. No, I am simply somewhat less distracted than you are by voices of ostensible authority, be they Gods, Dr. Gleason L. Archer BD, PhD, (genius, speaks 15 languages) or satirical syllogistic Wise Guys like myself.

No one has a patent on truth. Fact is a piano bench. Truth is the quality of light through the windows of the room you found it in. I simply removed the candles, and opened the drapes.  Lo and behold ! . . there was old Satan, sitting in his altogether at the keyboard. So I sketched him.  The answer sometimes lies in stealing that second look behind the easel. My post is still up. Give it a second, slower read. I'd genuinely appreciate some compelling impression of the content more than your flattery . . . Please, give it a second look . . . just for fun. (P.S.: You might get more out of it by unlacing some of that cumbersome armor you lug around. . . . just sayin'.) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
I never saw a wild thing sorry for itself. A small bird will drop frozen dead from a bough without ever having felt sorry for itself. - D.H. Lawrence

And so, briefly:  There is an assumption in Lynda's post that the Devil is a destructive force (a "negative integer") working against ("subtracting from" or rather, "adding a negative integer to") our best endeavors (sum/product).
I am simply trying to apply the logical axiom which reduces specific equations to the set of "zero-population", such is the case when any natural number is multiplied by 0; or perhaps, more damning: the case whereby a procedure is defined as Impossible, such as the example where any attempt to divide an integer by 0 is proposed.

Considering the urgency of sound, logical Intel when ruefully engaged upon such pugnacious endeavors, that is, our virtuous campaign against the Prince of Evil, I should think it my grave responsibility to aid in exposing the source of this "Devil-gentleman's" power, that we might undo it thereby.

You will be relieved to know, that the power of Satan's influence (the dividend) is reduced to zero when the population of his target audience (his victims) is, through correlated process, reduced to 1.

And so I am truthful when I say: I never saw a Human disrespect himself. A person will drop frozen dead from a bough without ever having disrespected himself.

With this explanation in mind, give my post another go. You might even entertain some doubt about all the Absolutes so eloquently stitched into the saddlebags of your war horse. 

Kevin Blank   This will be worth less than two cents but here goes: If people can't feel in their hearts and minds what is truly righteous opposed to damning, the King James Instruction Pamphlet won't do them any good. Oh, and that Bible you all speak of is really nothing more than a confusing business card.

Lynda Joan Folk     ok.......that was fun. There is evil in our world, this we can all agree on...Right? Each of us has felt it, in one way or another.. it is her we'all become missionaries of our own truths. I like all of you believe in not separating the power of good. Now what happens here is what may be good for you may not be good for Joe. So here’s where personal discernment and your ‘armor’ come in. Lynda Joan Folk   sorry writing on a phone. 

Clyde McGhee   So Lynda why did you repost this? See the ruckus it caused? Perhaps the point all along...

Lynda Joan Folk   AWAKE Sheeples Clyde McGhee Well I for one am glad it wasn't about the banks getting tired of that! Lynda Joan Folk don't like truth? Lynda Joan Folk again, awake!

Clyde McGhee Two sides at least to every story... enough already...time to move on!

Jeff Thomas How 'bout them Mets? . . .

Clyde McGhee I could give a flying fuck about them as well!

Jeff Thomas . . . (wouldn't know a Met if one got stuck in my wheel well)

Lynda Joan Folk   Clyde. ..you are a bit crabby . . . . the more u have. ........as the story goes

Clyde McGhee At least I wasn't sleeping when I realized the capitalistic market system has some rather serious flaws...and who says life should be "fair"... Lynda how is your trip going? How is the van holding up? Did you find a suitable battery for the solar panel? If so how is it working with computer? Inquiring minds want to know!
NOT A bit crabby just tired of hearing about the banks...

Lynda Joan Folk http://ovc.ncjrs.gov/askovc/ Here fill this out... make sure u tell them how incompetent they are. the trip is great. the van is great. I am still looking for a battery.
What's fair? by who's logic . . . . and your still crabby.