This next one from Somewhere out West:
Dear Prof. Pacifist:
AP - President Barack Obama on Monday vowed to use "every element of our national power" to keep Americans safe and said the failed Christmas Day plot to blow up a Detroit-bound airliner was "a serious reminder" of the need to continually adapt security measures against changing terrorist threats.
I'm actually surprised this happened. Who would dare defy Obama after he spent the past year inviting everyone to be his facebook friend? The man's wisdom is astounding, and with Eric Holder at his side, hell they're like . . . . . Batman and Robin. Just knowing they're on the case makes me feel so much safer.
Oh, I was confused about one thing. Obama said terrorist in his little speech. I thought we had purged that word from the National Vocabulary?
- Unbewitched
Dear UnBewitched,
This one is rich in venom but a little obscure in info . . . why did this one make you angry? I promise you I have no interest in becoming Obama's Facebook friend, however I just don't get the connection. Without some extra effort to help me, I am left to assume that you either don't want him to use "every element . . " or think he should not have tried to be so friendly.
Throw me a bone here.
The point of this Administration's referencing the word "terrorism", as I understand it, was to stop the over-use. Words like "genius", "excellent" or "awesome" have simply lost their connection to the original level of significance they received just a few generations ago.
The word terrorism was recently associated with a hate crime in Farmingville, the rampage at Virginia Tech., the killings at Fort Hood and a host of other non-terrorist crimes. We used to call these mass murders, a term which the public understood to mean "unrelated to organized subversive activity". Son of Sam would have been a "Terrorist" if the word had any credence back in the 1970's.
Using the term for shock points just distracts from its effectiveness by our security organizations who need to connect with a public sense of legitimate urgency. I think a guy wearing C-4 socks on a packed jet warrants the word.
I would like some time to read from Obama bashers one, single alternative approach to any situation that does not employ "Rat Patrol"/cowboy diplomacy.
- Prof HotWind
Dear Prof.,
For some reason, I'm finding it necessary to back though your letter with the answers to some of your questions.
I don't know of any methods to dispose of rats other than the deployment of snare traps or poisons. They can't be reasoned with. Yes, a rat is not a human being, but how do you protect yourself against those that infest as rats do and are willing to die for their beliefs? We do, as Americans? No, we don't. We've hired from within to take care of that dirty job. Do you suggest our military should trade in their weapons for note pads; write letters asking the rats to stop? You wish for an imaginary line to be drawn on the shore line. Beyond this point we are civil. For a terrorist to step foot on US soil with the intentions of in gauging in any form of terrorism should be dealt with by the military in a swift manner. Giving the terrorist page one coverage in court houses reserved for Americans only helps their effort. Turn these individuals over to the military, and without parade, guarantee our citizen justice will be served. And punishment doesn't need to be death. Maybe American citizens might fear treason once again.
Now, in picking on HisObamaness' use of the word terrorist, he really couldn't resist. Why not call a spade a spade. I can appreciate the President's desire to hang curtain and install glade plug ins on this one, but you can't sweep this shit under the carpet. This stinks. We have to look it in the face and deal with it for what it really is and it's more than a line item in the budget. The American citizen's killing people are criminals and terrorists as well. Once again, turn off the fucking microscope. It makes no sense to arm wrestle over a word.
Now, the facebook comment. Obama has really done a great job in reaching out to countries and cultures that our past administrations misunderstood, used and bombed.
I was pointing out the incident regardless of our efforts to be friend the world. I wasn't trying to be trite. Fanatics and terrorists have been opened for business for all of time. There will always be someone that feels it's necessary to hurl a rock in order to get their point across. They may be right as there is always someone that doesn't want to hear about it.
My anger stems from this. I love our country. I love our freedoms. As I take a stand in defense of these things, peaking over my shoulder, I've come to realize that clowns are wearing the ringmaster's hat. So many elements and elected officials of our government are criminal. It's the pomp and circumstance that surrounds this group of people that have taken these temporary jobs that has me so angry. The President is nothing more than a temporary landlord. In fact, better described as a CEO on a board of directors. The government has lost it's honor. It's been examined, exposing so much corruption, by the very microscope that you and yours find so necessary to look through. I have no respect for what is said by our government officials. They should keep their mouths shut and try to do a good job. The media needs to get off the White House front lawn and stop the applause. It sickens me. These has nothing to do with Obama as an individual or as the President. I'm examining his campaign promises. It's possible that he sold us to get. It's also possible that he had to sell himself out to maintain a certain degree of cooperation. I don;t know and never will but he has three years to go.
By the way, Somali pirates grabbed two more ships but I don't give a shit and neither does anyone one else, right?
I have to break from this. The news is going to post a picture of the underwear the plane bomber was wearing. See, it was C4 boxers and not socks.
- UnBewitched
Dear Prof. Pacifist:
AP - President Barack Obama on Monday vowed to use "every element of our national power" to keep Americans safe and said the failed Christmas Day plot to blow up a Detroit-bound airliner was "a serious reminder" of the need to continually adapt security measures against changing terrorist threats.
I'm actually surprised this happened. Who would dare defy Obama after he spent the past year inviting everyone to be his facebook friend? The man's wisdom is astounding, and with Eric Holder at his side, hell they're like . . . . . Batman and Robin. Just knowing they're on the case makes me feel so much safer.
Oh, I was confused about one thing. Obama said terrorist in his little speech. I thought we had purged that word from the National Vocabulary?
- Unbewitched
Dear UnBewitched,
This one is rich in venom but a little obscure in info . . . why did this one make you angry? I promise you I have no interest in becoming Obama's Facebook friend, however I just don't get the connection. Without some extra effort to help me, I am left to assume that you either don't want him to use "every element . . " or think he should not have tried to be so friendly.
Throw me a bone here.
The point of this Administration's referencing the word "terrorism", as I understand it, was to stop the over-use. Words like "genius", "excellent" or "awesome" have simply lost their connection to the original level of significance they received just a few generations ago.
The word terrorism was recently associated with a hate crime in Farmingville, the rampage at Virginia Tech., the killings at Fort Hood and a host of other non-terrorist crimes. We used to call these mass murders, a term which the public understood to mean "unrelated to organized subversive activity". Son of Sam would have been a "Terrorist" if the word had any credence back in the 1970's.
Using the term for shock points just distracts from its effectiveness by our security organizations who need to connect with a public sense of legitimate urgency. I think a guy wearing C-4 socks on a packed jet warrants the word.
I would like some time to read from Obama bashers one, single alternative approach to any situation that does not employ "Rat Patrol"/cowboy diplomacy.
- Prof HotWind
Dear Prof.,
For some reason, I'm finding it necessary to back though your letter with the answers to some of your questions.
I don't know of any methods to dispose of rats other than the deployment of snare traps or poisons. They can't be reasoned with. Yes, a rat is not a human being, but how do you protect yourself against those that infest as rats do and are willing to die for their beliefs? We do, as Americans? No, we don't. We've hired from within to take care of that dirty job. Do you suggest our military should trade in their weapons for note pads; write letters asking the rats to stop? You wish for an imaginary line to be drawn on the shore line. Beyond this point we are civil. For a terrorist to step foot on US soil with the intentions of in gauging in any form of terrorism should be dealt with by the military in a swift manner. Giving the terrorist page one coverage in court houses reserved for Americans only helps their effort. Turn these individuals over to the military, and without parade, guarantee our citizen justice will be served. And punishment doesn't need to be death. Maybe American citizens might fear treason once again.
Now, in picking on HisObamaness' use of the word terrorist, he really couldn't resist. Why not call a spade a spade. I can appreciate the President's desire to hang curtain and install glade plug ins on this one, but you can't sweep this shit under the carpet. This stinks. We have to look it in the face and deal with it for what it really is and it's more than a line item in the budget. The American citizen's killing people are criminals and terrorists as well. Once again, turn off the fucking microscope. It makes no sense to arm wrestle over a word.
Now, the facebook comment. Obama has really done a great job in reaching out to countries and cultures that our past administrations misunderstood, used and bombed.
I was pointing out the incident regardless of our efforts to be friend the world. I wasn't trying to be trite. Fanatics and terrorists have been opened for business for all of time. There will always be someone that feels it's necessary to hurl a rock in order to get their point across. They may be right as there is always someone that doesn't want to hear about it.
My anger stems from this. I love our country. I love our freedoms. As I take a stand in defense of these things, peaking over my shoulder, I've come to realize that clowns are wearing the ringmaster's hat. So many elements and elected officials of our government are criminal. It's the pomp and circumstance that surrounds this group of people that have taken these temporary jobs that has me so angry. The President is nothing more than a temporary landlord. In fact, better described as a CEO on a board of directors. The government has lost it's honor. It's been examined, exposing so much corruption, by the very microscope that you and yours find so necessary to look through. I have no respect for what is said by our government officials. They should keep their mouths shut and try to do a good job. The media needs to get off the White House front lawn and stop the applause. It sickens me. These has nothing to do with Obama as an individual or as the President. I'm examining his campaign promises. It's possible that he sold us to get. It's also possible that he had to sell himself out to maintain a certain degree of cooperation. I don;t know and never will but he has three years to go.
By the way, Somali pirates grabbed two more ships but I don't give a shit and neither does anyone one else, right?
I have to break from this. The news is going to post a picture of the underwear the plane bomber was wearing. See, it was C4 boxers and not socks.
- UnBewitched
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