Dear Hot Wind,
Former Gov. Sarah Palin of Alaska has signed on as a contributor to the Fox News Channel.
The network confirmed that Ms. Palin would appear on the network’s programming on a regular basis as part of a multiyear deal. Financial terms were not disclosed.
This is just PERFECT!
- an exhausted American
Dear Exhausted,
There has been in recent years an increasingly profound disconnect between speaking and content. What we as a nation earnestly believe is supported more often today than in past generations by an ever increasing tsunami of information of the lowest substantial, verifiable order. Validation is simply going the way of those other vestigal charms of pre-television culture like reading poetry and knowledge of the placement of constellations in the evening sky. The eye you see, has those very cool lids that make blinking a snap and editing the visual world a simple matter of personal choice. Our ears however do not have "lids". It has been suggested through controlled experimentation by very prominent psychologists with acres of sheepskins nailed to the walls of Universities with names like Stanford, Columbia and Harvard, that brain activity can be modified to some degree by manipulating the sounds that enter the ear canal. Mozart for example, when exclusively introduced for deliriously extended periods of time has altered the pattern of EEG activity to a degree of such consistancy as to embolden numerous Phd's to suggest an association of Classical music listening and improved critical cognition. I would extrapolate from such studies that the opposite of the so called "Mozart effect", a condition I will call the "Palin effect", is not only possible, but is proven true by the results of a nationwide program now in its sixtieth year of operation. An overwhelming majority of Americans today make decisions with a mind that has suffered the cognitive atrophy that would naturally result from years upon years of intellectual cotton candy streaming directly into the unprotected ear canal, vibrating the tympia, rocking the stirrup and anvil, rustling the cilea in the cochlear and streaming in a flash of electronic syrup directly into the most complex calculating organism of the known universe. This syrup, I propose, has finally gummed the gears of this nation's collective philosophical aptitude to just before a dead halt.
And now FOX news has hired Sarah Palin. I am certain, very certain, that this is not just another example of poor taste on the part of the evil tribunal behind the scenes there at FOX, but rather a remarkably sophisticated and unscrupulous maneuver by an organization determined to rid the voting boothes of informed lever pullers. Sarah Palin has the marketable effect of making people stop what they are doing and listen. This translates into millions of fresh listeners for FOX. I find myself guilty of the same perverse voyeurism, if for no better reason than one might stop to watch in awe as two slugs fuck or re-watch footage of the World Trade Towers collapsing for the eight thousandth time. She fascinates me precisely for her ability to smile, project the confidence of someone accepting an award for something worthy, and speak at reasonable length about issues on which she is genuinely ill-informed and which matter to people she knows and cares nothing about.
Sarah Palin: "I've read most of them with a great appreciation for the press, for the media . . "
Katie Couric: " . but like what ones specifically, I'm curious . . "
Sarah Palin: " . . Umm, all of 'em, any of 'em um, that've been in front of me over all these years . . "
Katie Couric: "can you name a few?"
Sarah Palin: "I have a vast variety of sources where we get our news to . . "
and so on.
This is speaking.
Content is another matter entirely. FOX admires speaking and speakers. Content is what "unAmericans" are all hopped up about. Content will ruin the white family as we all grew up knowing it in the thirties, forties, fifties and yes, even those damn, filthy sixties. Content has its cross-hairs on the Church, the Banks, and Industry. This message of Faith-based, conservative American values has needed a Fuck-bunny spokesperson for too long now. FOX, as a savvy marketing force, recognizes both the disconnect I speak of and the power in delivery void of content.
Content however is more often associated with a style of delivery that would hypnotize the White Cliffs of Dover; take for instance Alan Greenspan or Timothy Geitner's explanation of the Country's economy; or Pres. Obama's explanation of the Health Care bill and related compromises.
It appears far less strenuous and twice as effective for the Conservative media to trash Al Gores "Inconvenient Truth" for its "partisan" influence and political agenda; a rare attempt to explain a complex issue of unsurpassed importance by a man who no longer seeks a job in the government, than to admit that Sarah Palin is using the FOX media machine to pander for Presidential votes without offering an apology for the double standard.
and I'm just getting started . . .
- Hot Wind
Former Gov. Sarah Palin of Alaska has signed on as a contributor to the Fox News Channel.
The network confirmed that Ms. Palin would appear on the network’s programming on a regular basis as part of a multiyear deal. Financial terms were not disclosed.
This is just PERFECT!
- an exhausted American
Dear Exhausted,
There has been in recent years an increasingly profound disconnect between speaking and content. What we as a nation earnestly believe is supported more often today than in past generations by an ever increasing tsunami of information of the lowest substantial, verifiable order. Validation is simply going the way of those other vestigal charms of pre-television culture like reading poetry and knowledge of the placement of constellations in the evening sky. The eye you see, has those very cool lids that make blinking a snap and editing the visual world a simple matter of personal choice. Our ears however do not have "lids". It has been suggested through controlled experimentation by very prominent psychologists with acres of sheepskins nailed to the walls of Universities with names like Stanford, Columbia and Harvard, that brain activity can be modified to some degree by manipulating the sounds that enter the ear canal. Mozart for example, when exclusively introduced for deliriously extended periods of time has altered the pattern of EEG activity to a degree of such consistancy as to embolden numerous Phd's to suggest an association of Classical music listening and improved critical cognition. I would extrapolate from such studies that the opposite of the so called "Mozart effect", a condition I will call the "Palin effect", is not only possible, but is proven true by the results of a nationwide program now in its sixtieth year of operation. An overwhelming majority of Americans today make decisions with a mind that has suffered the cognitive atrophy that would naturally result from years upon years of intellectual cotton candy streaming directly into the unprotected ear canal, vibrating the tympia, rocking the stirrup and anvil, rustling the cilea in the cochlear and streaming in a flash of electronic syrup directly into the most complex calculating organism of the known universe. This syrup, I propose, has finally gummed the gears of this nation's collective philosophical aptitude to just before a dead halt.
And now FOX news has hired Sarah Palin. I am certain, very certain, that this is not just another example of poor taste on the part of the evil tribunal behind the scenes there at FOX, but rather a remarkably sophisticated and unscrupulous maneuver by an organization determined to rid the voting boothes of informed lever pullers. Sarah Palin has the marketable effect of making people stop what they are doing and listen. This translates into millions of fresh listeners for FOX. I find myself guilty of the same perverse voyeurism, if for no better reason than one might stop to watch in awe as two slugs fuck or re-watch footage of the World Trade Towers collapsing for the eight thousandth time. She fascinates me precisely for her ability to smile, project the confidence of someone accepting an award for something worthy, and speak at reasonable length about issues on which she is genuinely ill-informed and which matter to people she knows and cares nothing about.
[from a televised interview with CBS Evening News, 9/30/08]
Katie Couric: " . . and when it comes to establishing your world view, I'm curious, what newspapers and magazines did you regularly read, before you were tapped for this to stay informed and to understand the world?"Sarah Palin: "I've read most of them with a great appreciation for the press, for the media . . "
Katie Couric: " . but like what ones specifically, I'm curious . . "
Sarah Palin: " . . Umm, all of 'em, any of 'em um, that've been in front of me over all these years . . "
Katie Couric: "can you name a few?"
Sarah Palin: "I have a vast variety of sources where we get our news to . . "
and so on.
This is speaking.
Content is another matter entirely. FOX admires speaking and speakers. Content is what "unAmericans" are all hopped up about. Content will ruin the white family as we all grew up knowing it in the thirties, forties, fifties and yes, even those damn, filthy sixties. Content has its cross-hairs on the Church, the Banks, and Industry. This message of Faith-based, conservative American values has needed a Fuck-bunny spokesperson for too long now. FOX, as a savvy marketing force, recognizes both the disconnect I speak of and the power in delivery void of content.
Content however is more often associated with a style of delivery that would hypnotize the White Cliffs of Dover; take for instance Alan Greenspan or Timothy Geitner's explanation of the Country's economy; or Pres. Obama's explanation of the Health Care bill and related compromises.
It appears far less strenuous and twice as effective for the Conservative media to trash Al Gores "Inconvenient Truth" for its "partisan" influence and political agenda; a rare attempt to explain a complex issue of unsurpassed importance by a man who no longer seeks a job in the government, than to admit that Sarah Palin is using the FOX media machine to pander for Presidential votes without offering an apology for the double standard.
and I'm just getting started . . .
- Hot Wind
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