Dear Prof. HW
HONOLULU – An al-Qaida affiliate in Yemen apparently ordered the Christmas Day plot against a U.S. airliner, training and arming the 23-year-old Nigerian man accused in the failed bombing, President Barack Obama said Saturday.
"This is not the first time this group has targeted us," Obama said, reporting on some of the findings of an administration review into how intelligence agencies failed to prevent Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab from boarding Detroit-bound Northwest Flight 253.
In his most direct public language to date, Obama described the path through Yemen of Abdulmutallab.
He also emphasized that the United States would continue its partnerships with friendly countries — citing Yemen, in particular — to fight terrorists and extremist groups.
- comment -
Yemen is friendly? This is wonderful to hear! Thank God the press was available to bring this breaking news to our attention. I feel better already. I mean, I had no idea where we stood on this. Did you?
- the Party Planner
Dear Party Planner-
We have a naval base in Yemen. I guess its just diplomatic to refer to them as our friends. The government of Yemen cooperates with us; they receive millions of dollars annually from us, (to fight al Qaeda). A large percentage of the Yemeni population do not agree with another large percentage of the population about this "friendship" thing. Some people have organized into a gentleman's club called Al Qaeda . . . these gents operate with a power and autonomy independent of the Yemeni government. They, al Qaeda, happen to be a major thorn in the side of Yemen's best efforts to rise from the diplomatic snake pit into which they have fallen.
This is part of the reason I find "gut-feeling" or impulsive diplomacy so tiring. It simply sets the stage for endless conflict.
Obama should speak ill of everyone in the region. I get it already.
Haven't we tried this for eight years under the previous administration? How well have these tactics woked in the past? You remind me repeatedly of the diagnosis of an individual repeating the same behavior expecting different results. Total annihilation of everyone who looks different from us, who hates us, who threaten and successfully kill us, who worship a god that instructs them to kill us. . . as frustrating as you find it, the concept of a total and successful annihilation of these people is not an option. Think about them as a tumor whose surgical removal will destroy the patient. If I were the oncologist in this scenario i would seek to cut off its nutritional supply;
- starve it of money,
- turn the tide of the people away from desperation caused by poor health and unavailable education, the very diseases of the mind that al Qaeda exploits
- foster a willingness to bring international business interests into the region.
- encourage these people to want to join a healthy economy without selling out their souls.
Al Qaeda can and will be out-maneauvered, but not without such work. Its called winning the "Hearts and Minds" of the people.
This of course requires a military dimension, an Intelligence dimension and a pedestrian or soft-target Security dimension, like airport screening and seaport security, (as usual, those rascally conservatives need to be watched carefully here, as I firmly believe unwarranted spying on United States civilians is an illegal and dangerous precedent. Bug the "visitors" all you want, but leave Me the fuck alone!If you are a civilian and you happen to be on the phone with a non-civilian, keep in mind that your conversation might be legally tapped.) I am also not suggesting these areas of the war are obsolete. I'm just sick and tired of the thick headed loud mouthes and their talk radio Chicken Hawks who dismantle every effort to sow the seeds of future harmony with their John Wayne, WWII, "America is above reproach", give that Boy a uniform and a gun and let me get back to my WWF Cage Match, Drop The Bomb answer to areas of crisis far beyond the intellectual rat-hole of their stalled, college-fratboy interpretation of a planet simply too complex for them.
The heros of WWII were greeted as "liberators". This was a diplomatic advantage of incalculable proportions: The soldier as ambassador. Evidence of prisoner brutality by the Axis forces didn't hurt when contrasted to our sterling example of "good egg" hospitality. We rebuilt schools and municipal buildings; helped recover stolen and misplaced works of art and other cultural significance. This was simply a different set of circumstances which precluded the need for today's transparent effort to double step our way onto their Christmas card list.
The chance might well have been there were it not for Bush's one, simple oversight: After "Shock and Awe" we should have remembered to have a "Sweep and Dust" plan. Looters raped the very museums which held treasures from the Cradle of Civilization. No resources were allocated to the rebuilding of Police Stations and Schools and Fire Houses (the backbone of any community) because he had no Policemen, no firemen and no teachers. When money was finally found to hire Haliburton civilians in to do the job of construction and Blackwater for security, (yes, civilian contractors to provide "security" in a war zone . . ?), it simply meant that less money was available to supply the actual Army soldier with a bullet proof vest and a battle ready Humvee.
Just for the record, Haliburton pulled out of Iraq cashing their last check in 2007. They were paid in full for services less than 50% fullfilled. Blackwater . . . . just forget Blackwater or whatever name they hide behind today. Talk about "cut and run" ! !
Yes Hoop, I believe we need to plan for a post-war relationship with our current enemies. A good step towards that future is tilling the fields today. Libya's government is unfriendly to the U.S. They bombed a plane right out of the sky and laughed in our face. Their leader is a monster. We reserve the right to pick and choose our friends. Qhadaffi is not our friend. Apparently some chap named Ali Abdullah Saleh is on better terms with us. Lets have him and his lovely wife over for some cake and conversation sometime, ok with you?
- Prof. Hot Wind
P.S. Timothy McVeigh was born in New York, spent time in Arizona (where he and others hatched their plan to blow up a building in Oklahoma), and also visited Mississippi at some point to gather intel. At this time I believe the United States maintains close diplomatic ties with these regions. Will advise of any updates.
- followed by this reply-
Hot Wind,
The only reason I send this shit to you is out of frustration. I didn't agree on how the Bush administration handled the terrorist issue and I'm not too thrilled with the Obama clan's plan either. The bully approach was useless. The suit and kevlar tie approach will prove to be useless as well.
The United States' ground war involvement in WW2 was roughly 5 years. We had to reduce a good portion of Europe to rubble to get rid of the Nazi threat. We fucked up a reasonable amount of property in the Pacific, including the deployment of two nuclear devices, to get the Japanese out of our asses. We've been fucking around with this Iraq/Afghanistan thing for 18 years. That's a little less than 1/3 of my life. Enough.
First off, we need a President of the United States. I'm tired of the globe trotting. The office was always predominately here for us. Now we have to make a fucking appointment. My shallow side doesn't give a shit about what goes on outside our borders and won't until some internal issues have been resolved first.
The John Wayne approach you say? At best what we currently have is a John Wayne lite approach. You say it's difficult because were not greeted as liberators. Then we absolutely have no fucking business being there. If you knew you weren't welcome somewhere, how long would you hang around?
Oh, this is complicated? Uncomplicate it rudely and immediately. We should pack our army toys up and leave. I don't see a level of cooperation from our overseas buddies that's worth my tax contribution or my concern. And whether we're directly involved with the hunt for these animals or not, we still have to look over our shoulders so best do it from here. And yes, I called them animals. They're no better than the scum that murdered the 6 million Jews we recently spoke about.
Our threats are worthless. The "better stop or else" thing is embarrassing. Our field annalists wanted 40K troops in reinforcements. We should have sent 80K and not over 9 fucking months. If we're going to commit, let's roll up the sleeves of this effort and give it everything. If not, fuck it. I would demand a greater involvement from everyone who is currently pussy footing around their commitment otherwise, they're on their own when the shit hits the fan. No more threats. No more media coverage. If we are attacked, take action and without CNN. What ever country is hosting enemies of the United States will be held accountable for the lack of doing their part in eliminating the common threat.
I'm sorry but World Peace is something that Miss America prays for to impress the judges. World Peace would be wonderful but let's get real and put an end to this shit.
yours truly,
Party Planner
copyright Jeffrey Owen Thomas 2010
HONOLULU – An al-Qaida affiliate in Yemen apparently ordered the Christmas Day plot against a U.S. airliner, training and arming the 23-year-old Nigerian man accused in the failed bombing, President Barack Obama said Saturday.
"This is not the first time this group has targeted us," Obama said, reporting on some of the findings of an administration review into how intelligence agencies failed to prevent Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab from boarding Detroit-bound Northwest Flight 253.
In his most direct public language to date, Obama described the path through Yemen of Abdulmutallab.
He also emphasized that the United States would continue its partnerships with friendly countries — citing Yemen, in particular — to fight terrorists and extremist groups.
- comment -
Yemen is friendly? This is wonderful to hear! Thank God the press was available to bring this breaking news to our attention. I feel better already. I mean, I had no idea where we stood on this. Did you?
- the Party Planner
Dear Party Planner-
We have a naval base in Yemen. I guess its just diplomatic to refer to them as our friends. The government of Yemen cooperates with us; they receive millions of dollars annually from us, (to fight al Qaeda). A large percentage of the Yemeni population do not agree with another large percentage of the population about this "friendship" thing. Some people have organized into a gentleman's club called Al Qaeda . . . these gents operate with a power and autonomy independent of the Yemeni government. They, al Qaeda, happen to be a major thorn in the side of Yemen's best efforts to rise from the diplomatic snake pit into which they have fallen.
This is part of the reason I find "gut-feeling" or impulsive diplomacy so tiring. It simply sets the stage for endless conflict.
Obama should speak ill of everyone in the region. I get it already.
Haven't we tried this for eight years under the previous administration? How well have these tactics woked in the past? You remind me repeatedly of the diagnosis of an individual repeating the same behavior expecting different results. Total annihilation of everyone who looks different from us, who hates us, who threaten and successfully kill us, who worship a god that instructs them to kill us. . . as frustrating as you find it, the concept of a total and successful annihilation of these people is not an option. Think about them as a tumor whose surgical removal will destroy the patient. If I were the oncologist in this scenario i would seek to cut off its nutritional supply;
- starve it of money,
- turn the tide of the people away from desperation caused by poor health and unavailable education, the very diseases of the mind that al Qaeda exploits
- foster a willingness to bring international business interests into the region.
- encourage these people to want to join a healthy economy without selling out their souls.
Al Qaeda can and will be out-maneauvered, but not without such work. Its called winning the "Hearts and Minds" of the people.
This of course requires a military dimension, an Intelligence dimension and a pedestrian or soft-target Security dimension, like airport screening and seaport security, (as usual, those rascally conservatives need to be watched carefully here, as I firmly believe unwarranted spying on United States civilians is an illegal and dangerous precedent. Bug the "visitors" all you want, but leave Me the fuck alone!If you are a civilian and you happen to be on the phone with a non-civilian, keep in mind that your conversation might be legally tapped.) I am also not suggesting these areas of the war are obsolete. I'm just sick and tired of the thick headed loud mouthes and their talk radio Chicken Hawks who dismantle every effort to sow the seeds of future harmony with their John Wayne, WWII, "America is above reproach", give that Boy a uniform and a gun and let me get back to my WWF Cage Match, Drop The Bomb answer to areas of crisis far beyond the intellectual rat-hole of their stalled, college-fratboy interpretation of a planet simply too complex for them.
The heros of WWII were greeted as "liberators". This was a diplomatic advantage of incalculable proportions: The soldier as ambassador. Evidence of prisoner brutality by the Axis forces didn't hurt when contrasted to our sterling example of "good egg" hospitality. We rebuilt schools and municipal buildings; helped recover stolen and misplaced works of art and other cultural significance. This was simply a different set of circumstances which precluded the need for today's transparent effort to double step our way onto their Christmas card list.
The chance might well have been there were it not for Bush's one, simple oversight: After "Shock and Awe" we should have remembered to have a "Sweep and Dust" plan. Looters raped the very museums which held treasures from the Cradle of Civilization. No resources were allocated to the rebuilding of Police Stations and Schools and Fire Houses (the backbone of any community) because he had no Policemen, no firemen and no teachers. When money was finally found to hire Haliburton civilians in to do the job of construction and Blackwater for security, (yes, civilian contractors to provide "security" in a war zone . . ?), it simply meant that less money was available to supply the actual Army soldier with a bullet proof vest and a battle ready Humvee.
Just for the record, Haliburton pulled out of Iraq cashing their last check in 2007. They were paid in full for services less than 50% fullfilled. Blackwater . . . . just forget Blackwater or whatever name they hide behind today. Talk about "cut and run" ! !
Yes Hoop, I believe we need to plan for a post-war relationship with our current enemies. A good step towards that future is tilling the fields today. Libya's government is unfriendly to the U.S. They bombed a plane right out of the sky and laughed in our face. Their leader is a monster. We reserve the right to pick and choose our friends. Qhadaffi is not our friend. Apparently some chap named Ali Abdullah Saleh is on better terms with us. Lets have him and his lovely wife over for some cake and conversation sometime, ok with you?
- Prof. Hot Wind
P.S. Timothy McVeigh was born in New York, spent time in Arizona (where he and others hatched their plan to blow up a building in Oklahoma), and also visited Mississippi at some point to gather intel. At this time I believe the United States maintains close diplomatic ties with these regions. Will advise of any updates.
- followed by this reply-
Hot Wind,
The only reason I send this shit to you is out of frustration. I didn't agree on how the Bush administration handled the terrorist issue and I'm not too thrilled with the Obama clan's plan either. The bully approach was useless. The suit and kevlar tie approach will prove to be useless as well.
The United States' ground war involvement in WW2 was roughly 5 years. We had to reduce a good portion of Europe to rubble to get rid of the Nazi threat. We fucked up a reasonable amount of property in the Pacific, including the deployment of two nuclear devices, to get the Japanese out of our asses. We've been fucking around with this Iraq/Afghanistan thing for 18 years. That's a little less than 1/3 of my life. Enough.
First off, we need a President of the United States. I'm tired of the globe trotting. The office was always predominately here for us. Now we have to make a fucking appointment. My shallow side doesn't give a shit about what goes on outside our borders and won't until some internal issues have been resolved first.
The John Wayne approach you say? At best what we currently have is a John Wayne lite approach. You say it's difficult because were not greeted as liberators. Then we absolutely have no fucking business being there. If you knew you weren't welcome somewhere, how long would you hang around?
Oh, this is complicated? Uncomplicate it rudely and immediately. We should pack our army toys up and leave. I don't see a level of cooperation from our overseas buddies that's worth my tax contribution or my concern. And whether we're directly involved with the hunt for these animals or not, we still have to look over our shoulders so best do it from here. And yes, I called them animals. They're no better than the scum that murdered the 6 million Jews we recently spoke about.
Our threats are worthless. The "better stop or else" thing is embarrassing. Our field annalists wanted 40K troops in reinforcements. We should have sent 80K and not over 9 fucking months. If we're going to commit, let's roll up the sleeves of this effort and give it everything. If not, fuck it. I would demand a greater involvement from everyone who is currently pussy footing around their commitment otherwise, they're on their own when the shit hits the fan. No more threats. No more media coverage. If we are attacked, take action and without CNN. What ever country is hosting enemies of the United States will be held accountable for the lack of doing their part in eliminating the common threat.
I'm sorry but World Peace is something that Miss America prays for to impress the judges. World Peace would be wonderful but let's get real and put an end to this shit.
yours truly,
Party Planner
copyright Jeffrey Owen Thomas 2010
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