jt -
BEAR, Del. – A Delaware first-grader who was facing 45 days in an alternative school as punishment for taking his favorite camping utensil to school can return to class after the school board made a hasty change granting him a reprieve.
The seven-member Christina School Board voted unanimously Tuesday to reduce the punishment for kindergartners and first-graders who take weapons to school or commit violent offenses to a suspension ranging from three to five days. - hoop
What's stranger, I'm asking myself. The way the media grabbed this story and promoted it to the status of "real news", or your own fascination with it? I realize that you're a man on the edge lately. As a man who, by my estimation, should not be allowed to carry a spoon/fork/knife cooking utensil into a public building, I'm sure you feel a certain fraternity with this young, political prisoner, simply expressing his religious (cub scout) beliefs. But the point is made all the more painful by virtue that in the end, everyone had a good laugh and just didn't seem to care. You must be ready to crack. I promise to post your farewell "jihad" letter on my blog, misspellings and all. Who's always there for you bro? - jt
Now that I have a moment I'd like to address your comments concerning this news article. The kid is 6 years old. I sure he doesn't even understand what has transpired here although the School Board believed 45 days at a juvenile reform school would be adequate punishment for the crime he had committed. After reconvening, it seems that a 3 to 5 day suspension for a 6 year old child bringing a combination fork, spoon, knife, can opener, with a hide away toothpick and branded with the Cub Scout Insignia to 1st grade class is definitely more fitting for the offense. So, Justice has been served. I would love to see this situation from their point of view but I can't get my head that far up my ass. This kid still doesn't understand the implications of his act and won't for several years. "Mom and Dad" should have gotten a phone call from Mrs. Crabtree and asked to come pick up the utensil then explain to young Johnny the error in choice. Do you remember that bulky, imitation grooved wood grain piece of shit? I guarantee you that the kid doesn't possess the strength or coordination skills to do anything more with the dam thing than pull open the fork or spoon.It's not about the kid and his cub scout utensil. The mentality of the administrative staff that put this situation into play is questionable. I fully understand what the implications could have been for not following the rules for all involved. Regardless, someone should have seen the situation for what it was truly worth then stepped outside the box of this particular rule and handled it accordingly. And I fully understand why you or anyone else would say I'm wrong. The next time a kid picks up the scissors in class should he get tackled and dragged off to the office for having a weapon in his hands? How about the damage one can do another with a pen or pencil? The only crime I can see is this poor kid is missing a week of school and will have to deal with the fallout of other kids looking at him like he's Jack the Ripper. Yes, I am cracking up and yes, this is news worthy. The state of our nation sucks. The kid didn't bring a weapon to school, he brought a cub scout utensil to school. This kid still writes letters to Santa Claus and waits impatiently for the fucking Easter Bunny. He has no idea about gang violence. He doesn't know what happened at Columbine. He doesn't know who Al Qaeda is. I hope he can enjoy a few more years of innocence before he needs to be taught about all of this evil shit. I hope the staff at his school has learned their lesson, also. - hoop
no. you're not wrong . . . about mourning the loss of common sense.
Common sense hasn't been lost. We all know what the right thing to do is. Common sense has been replaced by a set of rules so refined that the ability for us to make a common sense decision has been outlawed. Your common sense decision lies within the bounds of a flow chart.
And this is new? Or has it suddenly lost all proportion? Has it become the latest crisis of our time? Is it a symbol of our failure, yours and mine, and our entire generation from the sixties and seventies? Our turn to take the wheel and raise this next generation of kids into adults, only to forget our way; replacing our hearts and sensibilities with tidy, anal-retentive rules? Or is it something else? Is this story a legitimate test of the principle or an amusing illustration of an isolated incident? . . I seem to recall spending a fair amount of time with you back at Hauppauge exposing similar disciplinary excesses; dancing on the edge, where reason and common sense met the outer boundaries of nonsensical new rules for a showdown . . . Rules that had more to do with control than valid principle or safety. Rules that seemed to disrespect us as people for the simple crime of being under the age of eighteen. These assholes wanted our minds and souls and used the rulebook as a shield against our clearest, most eloquent defenses . . . . (which spitefully we offered anyway, in ample doses.) I don't think this case is worth ignoring. I love how much it pisses you off. I just look back at a time where young kids were prevented from going to school because they were black. Sometimes they were stopped because they were women. A kid in the first grade was taken aside recently to explain where he got the gun he smuggled into class. Another kid was just buried by his family after his young friend showed him how his father taught him to shoot. I don't know why this school made the rule, but I have an idea that a little comon sense, as you suggest, would have gone a long way to prevent this case from becoming a National embarrassment. How about the one where a kid in Kindergarten was handcuffed by a cop who was called in by the school to moderate a disciplinary situation? This shit will apparently go away only when some generation can prove that its ranks are free of assholes. Its a story as old as the birch switch. We've simply traded whips for handcuffs.- jt
A kid in grade nine, here in Vegas at a High School across town, who when reading about was an obvious choice for Lonny's double. On a sunny afternoon in the fall of last while walking home for school with a crowd of kids, he caught a bullet in a drive by shooting and to this day it haunts me. The young shooter took a shot a someone else whom he thought had said something to or about his girlfriend. This tragedy has just hit the court house here and again I live with the thoughts of an asshole that robbed this world of a good life. Again, my worries have been heightened when my kid leaves the house. There is no doubt that bad shit happens everywhere but there is something to be said for the taking of hand if a loaf of bread has been stolen. It would behoove us all to see if its rye or pumpernickel before the axe is in motion. -hoop
BEAR, Del. – A Delaware first-grader who was facing 45 days in an alternative school as punishment for taking his favorite camping utensil to school can return to class after the school board made a hasty change granting him a reprieve.
The seven-member Christina School Board voted unanimously Tuesday to reduce the punishment for kindergartners and first-graders who take weapons to school or commit violent offenses to a suspension ranging from three to five days. - hoop
What's stranger, I'm asking myself. The way the media grabbed this story and promoted it to the status of "real news", or your own fascination with it? I realize that you're a man on the edge lately. As a man who, by my estimation, should not be allowed to carry a spoon/fork/knife cooking utensil into a public building, I'm sure you feel a certain fraternity with this young, political prisoner, simply expressing his religious (cub scout) beliefs. But the point is made all the more painful by virtue that in the end, everyone had a good laugh and just didn't seem to care. You must be ready to crack. I promise to post your farewell "jihad" letter on my blog, misspellings and all. Who's always there for you bro? - jt
Now that I have a moment I'd like to address your comments concerning this news article. The kid is 6 years old. I sure he doesn't even understand what has transpired here although the School Board believed 45 days at a juvenile reform school would be adequate punishment for the crime he had committed. After reconvening, it seems that a 3 to 5 day suspension for a 6 year old child bringing a combination fork, spoon, knife, can opener, with a hide away toothpick and branded with the Cub Scout Insignia to 1st grade class is definitely more fitting for the offense. So, Justice has been served. I would love to see this situation from their point of view but I can't get my head that far up my ass. This kid still doesn't understand the implications of his act and won't for several years. "Mom and Dad" should have gotten a phone call from Mrs. Crabtree and asked to come pick up the utensil then explain to young Johnny the error in choice. Do you remember that bulky, imitation grooved wood grain piece of shit? I guarantee you that the kid doesn't possess the strength or coordination skills to do anything more with the dam thing than pull open the fork or spoon.It's not about the kid and his cub scout utensil. The mentality of the administrative staff that put this situation into play is questionable. I fully understand what the implications could have been for not following the rules for all involved. Regardless, someone should have seen the situation for what it was truly worth then stepped outside the box of this particular rule and handled it accordingly. And I fully understand why you or anyone else would say I'm wrong. The next time a kid picks up the scissors in class should he get tackled and dragged off to the office for having a weapon in his hands? How about the damage one can do another with a pen or pencil? The only crime I can see is this poor kid is missing a week of school and will have to deal with the fallout of other kids looking at him like he's Jack the Ripper. Yes, I am cracking up and yes, this is news worthy. The state of our nation sucks. The kid didn't bring a weapon to school, he brought a cub scout utensil to school. This kid still writes letters to Santa Claus and waits impatiently for the fucking Easter Bunny. He has no idea about gang violence. He doesn't know what happened at Columbine. He doesn't know who Al Qaeda is. I hope he can enjoy a few more years of innocence before he needs to be taught about all of this evil shit. I hope the staff at his school has learned their lesson, also. - hoop
no. you're not wrong . . . about mourning the loss of common sense.
Common sense hasn't been lost. We all know what the right thing to do is. Common sense has been replaced by a set of rules so refined that the ability for us to make a common sense decision has been outlawed. Your common sense decision lies within the bounds of a flow chart.
And this is new? Or has it suddenly lost all proportion? Has it become the latest crisis of our time? Is it a symbol of our failure, yours and mine, and our entire generation from the sixties and seventies? Our turn to take the wheel and raise this next generation of kids into adults, only to forget our way; replacing our hearts and sensibilities with tidy, anal-retentive rules? Or is it something else? Is this story a legitimate test of the principle or an amusing illustration of an isolated incident? . . I seem to recall spending a fair amount of time with you back at Hauppauge exposing similar disciplinary excesses; dancing on the edge, where reason and common sense met the outer boundaries of nonsensical new rules for a showdown . . . Rules that had more to do with control than valid principle or safety. Rules that seemed to disrespect us as people for the simple crime of being under the age of eighteen. These assholes wanted our minds and souls and used the rulebook as a shield against our clearest, most eloquent defenses . . . . (which spitefully we offered anyway, in ample doses.) I don't think this case is worth ignoring. I love how much it pisses you off. I just look back at a time where young kids were prevented from going to school because they were black. Sometimes they were stopped because they were women. A kid in the first grade was taken aside recently to explain where he got the gun he smuggled into class. Another kid was just buried by his family after his young friend showed him how his father taught him to shoot. I don't know why this school made the rule, but I have an idea that a little comon sense, as you suggest, would have gone a long way to prevent this case from becoming a National embarrassment. How about the one where a kid in Kindergarten was handcuffed by a cop who was called in by the school to moderate a disciplinary situation? This shit will apparently go away only when some generation can prove that its ranks are free of assholes. Its a story as old as the birch switch. We've simply traded whips for handcuffs.- jt
A kid in grade nine, here in Vegas at a High School across town, who when reading about was an obvious choice for Lonny's double. On a sunny afternoon in the fall of last while walking home for school with a crowd of kids, he caught a bullet in a drive by shooting and to this day it haunts me. The young shooter took a shot a someone else whom he thought had said something to or about his girlfriend. This tragedy has just hit the court house here and again I live with the thoughts of an asshole that robbed this world of a good life. Again, my worries have been heightened when my kid leaves the house. There is no doubt that bad shit happens everywhere but there is something to be said for the taking of hand if a loaf of bread has been stolen. It would behoove us all to see if its rye or pumpernickel before the axe is in motion. -hoop
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